Sunday, May 31, 2009

Vegeta's Personality

When he first appears in the series, Vegeta is arrogant and selfish, having a fierce desire for immortality and galactic rule. He is also vicious and cares for nobody but himself, which is shown when he dispatched his comrade Nappa for failing to defeat Goku. Vegeta's plans are thwarted by Goku. Because of Vegeta's overwhelming pride and ego, being defeated by someone who he considered inferior transforms his character into a jealous and vengeful anti-hero. By the end of the series, Vegeta's bitter rivalry with Goku softens when he comes to respect Goku as an ally and even a friend.

Vegeta's priorities can be seen to gradually change as the series progresses, though one facet remains constant: his rivalry with Goku is fuelled by Goku's ability to stay ahead of him in power. Because of this, Vegeta is seen to pursue an insane desire to surpass Goku in strength, but whenever he seems to train and continually push himself harder than Goku does, he can never close the gap between him and Goku permanently.

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