Sunday, May 31, 2009

Krillin's Abilities

Krillin has many abilities including, super-strength, super-speed, and the ability to fly using his chi energy, also known as Bukū-jutsu (舞空術 Air Dance Technique?). His main techniques include the Kamehameha (かめはめ波?, lit. "Turtle Striking Wave"), an attack he learned from Roshi, which enables him to emit a powerful chi energy blast from his hands.[22] Kakusandan (拡散弾?, lit. "Spread Bullet"), another chi attack, involves firing two blasts, one from each hand, and merging them before directing the blast above an opponent where it will break up and rain down on them, he was only seen using this twice -- the first time was very successful as he managed to wipe out three Saibamen with it. He has also been known to use the Double Kihō (ダブル気砲 Double Air Gun?). From Tien, he obtained the Taiyōken (太陽拳?, lit. "Solar Fist", renamed "Solar Flare" in the English dub), an attack Krillin is capable of using to blind his opponents, sometimes used to make a quick escape.[23] A technique he uses is the Kienzan (気円斬?, lit. "Energy Circle Razor", renamed "Destructo Disc" in the English dub), which he does by putting his hand in the air and creating an electric floating disc, using it to slice through his enemies.

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