Sunday, May 31, 2009

Gohan's Abilities

As a child, Gohan is depicted with a seemingly limitless dormant power, which at first only revealed itself when he experienced fierce rage or distress.[27][28]

Due to his mixed heritage, Gohan's character also exhibits unusual abilities, possessing power that surpasses that of regular Saiyans.[9] Vegeta suggests that mixing human and Saiyan blood begets powerful hybrids, which Nappa refers to as a Super Saiyan.[29] On Namek, Saichoro helped unlock a portion of his untapped potential, unable to bring out the fullest of his tremendous latent abilities.[30]

Gohan can also freely manipulate his chi for the use of abilities such as the Bukû-jutsu (舞空術?, lit. "lighter than air skill" or "sky dancing skill"), enabling him to fly,[31] or concentrate it into beams of chi energy blasts, such as the Kamehameha or Masenko (魔閃光 Masenkō?, lit. "Demon Flash"). Gohan also possesses enhanced strength,[32] as well as superhuman speed and reflexes.[33] He is able to ascend to Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2 levels.

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