Monday, May 25, 2009

Goku in Other World

Goku and King Kai Started there journey in other world ..... King Kai was extremely angry for what happened to his planet he shouted at Goku what have u done to my planet .... Goku said King Kai how many times i have to say i'm sorry...... both of them continued walking on the snakeway King Kai Said we should make a home on the snakeway so that we can live there ..... Goku said ok but first i'm hungry i want to eat something .... Goku was so hungry that he started eating clouds .... King kai said to himself Goku cant live without food .... when Goku finished eating both of them continued there journey .... after some time King kai found a place where they could make a house .... after working for long time King Kai made a hut which was looking really strong for Goku .... he touched the house and it broke ..... King Kai was really sad now ... Goku said cheer up king kai we can go somewhere else .... King kai said OK (sadly) .... King Kai told Goku that there will be a plane at the end of the snakeway from there we could go to Grand kai's planet ...... Goku ran across the snakeway and came back again .... and said oh i almost forgot we could do the instant transmission and reach there in just a moment .... Goku took king kai by his instant Transmission to the end of snakeway .... there was a manager who decided that the people who come there will go to heaven or hell ... manager said ... ah goku who has been killed again and oh King Kai too how did u die ? King kai started blushing and said its a long story .... Goku said we want a plane that goes to Grand kai's planet .... manager said sure u r most welcome ..... there were 2 planes which were going to grand kai's planet but goku and king kai were given 3 star plane that the 5 star plane... bot were really angry .... one thing good about other world was that there age remained the same every persons age did not grew ..... when Goku and King Kai arrived at Grand Kai's planet .... they met many friends ..... there was another kai who came to Grand Kai's planet .... when he saw King Kai he started lauging at him and said .... hahahaha oh my goodness King kai is dead ..... hahahahaha .... both the kais were enemies they started a fight that who's fighter is stronger ..... they started shouting at each other that who is more stronger like children ....... GOKU ..... PIKKON ..... GOKU ..... PIKKON ...... goku stopped the fight and said calm down ..... we r not figting ...... goku asked King kai that the fighters who were training at Grand Kai's planet ...... for how many years were they traning ..... King Kai answered with a smile .... 10,00,00,000 years ........ Goku was shocked .... King kai said if u dont train for these many years Grand Kai will not teach u anything .... after some time grand kai came out of their mansion ..... he said to pikkon that there is somethig wrong in hell go and check it out ..... Pikkon and Goku went to Hell ....... frieza , ginue force , and cell were killing people there ... Pikkon defeated them in a moment and went back to grand kai's planet ......... grand kai said there will be a Other World tournament in my mansion.... every fighter came and participated there ..... at the end of the tournament ........ Goku and Pikkon were in the finals .... both fought using there power Pikkon did Thunder flash 3 times on goku .... he became really weak but when pikkon did thunder flash at goku 3 time Goku found the weakness and did instant transmission and came behind pikkon goku did his favourite attack called Kamehameha at pikkon ...... pikkon was out of the ring and Goku won the tournament .... but when evryone started celebrating Grand Kai said i have a problem .... it is that both the fighter touched the roof of the stadium and they both are disqualifed ....everyone was sad that no one won the tournament...... but this is how Goku enjoyed his journey in other world

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