Saturday, June 6, 2009

Dragon Ball Z : Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan

This story begins at a picnic, during a painful singing session courtesy of Krillin, when a massive ship arrives. Out comes Paragus, one of the few surviving Saiyans. He invites Vegeta to rule a new Planet Vegeta. Vegeta initially refuses until Paragus appeals to Vegeta's ego by asking him to kill the Legendary Super Saiyan that has completely destroyed the South Galaxy.

Gohan, Trunks, Krillin, Master Roshi and Oolong depart with Vegeta on Paragus' spaceship (with Trunks's intention being to try and stop his father from doing something foolish).

Meanwhile, Goku is at a school interview with Chi-Chi, who is trying to get Gohan accepted into the school. Goku is reached telepathically by King Kai during the interview, and immediately teleports to him upon hearing the South Galaxy has been destroyed, leaving the school staff confused and Chi-Chi very annoyed. King Kai then tells Goku that a Super Saiyan is destroying planets in the South Galaxy and asks Goku to step in and stop him.

At first the group believes that Paragus has good intentions and honestly wants to create a new Planet Vegeta (Though Future Trunks is suspicious about the whole ordeal). Later on it is revealed that the planet is on a collision course with a large comet, "Comet Camori". Soon after Gohan, Trunks, Krillin, Roshi, Oolong, and Vegeta arrive, a report comes in that the Legendary Super Saiyan is attacking another planet. Vegeta takes Paragus's son, Broly, and investigates. Meanwhile, Goku teleports to a planet already ravaged by the Legendary Super Saiyan, and Goku feels the echoes of the enormous ki that was present. Goku, having not seen the Legendary Super Saiyan, teleports to the new Planet Vegeta.

While Vegeta and Broly are investigating the attack, Gohan, Trunks and Krillin go out to investigate the new Planet Vegeta. They find a slave colony strip mining the planet to send energy to the palace. Gohan, Trunks and Krillin quickly break up the slave labor going on at the colony. This is also when Goku arrives on the planet to be accidentally punched by Krillin. Paragus also first meets Goku during this scene, and immediately identifies him as Bardock's son.

The first time that Broly sees Goku, he immediately recognizes him and gets extremely infuriated. Broly and Goku begin powering up in a standoff, until Paragus brings him back under control by using a mind-control device put on him when he was a teenager. Unfortunately for Paragus, Broly later finds a way to bypass the mind-control which the device has over him.

During this scene we are told, by Paragus, that Goku and Broly were born on the same day. Broly was born with an extreme fighting power of 10,000 (which is unusual since not even most adult Saiyans have power levels that high), while Goku had a much weaker power-level of 2. It is said that Goku cried constantly, keeping Broly awake for days on end. From then on, Broly would constantly hold a grudge against Goku. During his teen years, Broly's mental and emotional instability, coupled with his great power, made him highly dangerous. After an incident that cost Paragus his left eye, Broly is fitted with a device meant to keep his power in check, and Paragus, who barely survived the ordeal, realized that, with Broly's power under his control, he could rule the universe.

Meanwhile, Broly attacks Goku during the night as a restrained Super Saiyan. Despite Goku's best efforts, none of his attacks have any effect on Broly, and he is forced to run. Towards the end of the fight, Paragas reasserts control over Broly and forces him to stop attacking Goku. He barely manages to do so, foreshadowing things to come. At this point, Goku realizes that Broly is the Legendary Super Saiyan, recognizing the power he felt earlier as Broly's own.

Eventually Gohan, Trunks and Krillin bring the slaves they freed back to the palace, and they identify Broly as the one that attacked their planet. Paragus reveals that the planet is about to be hit by the comet, and that he in fact wants to reestablish Saiyan dominance across the universe, using the Earth as their new homeworld. Suddenly, an increasingly-agitated Broly goes after Goku shouting, "Kakarot!" repeatedly, suddenly transforming into a restrained Super Saiyan while he does so. Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan and attacks Broly, who is completely unfazed by (and seems oblivious to) the attack. Vegeta then attacks Broly with a Big Bang Attack but the blast, again, has no effect. Broly soon rages out of Paragus' control and, in a very intense transformation, becomes a monsterous behemoth of a Super Saiyan, his true and most powerful form. Vegeta, stunned by Broly's power, falls to the ground in shock, eyes wide with fear, realizing that Broly is the feared Legendary Super Saiyan.

Paragus reveals that Vegeta's father viewed the infant Broly as a threat, and ordered his execution. Paragus attempted to plead with him for his son's life, stating that the acquired data could be wrong and that Broly could grow up to be a great warrior and an asset to the royal family. King Vegeta stated that, while this was true, Broly could just as easily turn on them, and decided to let father and son die together; Paragus is hit with an energy blast, Broly is stabbed in the abdomen with a dagger, and both are thrown in a ditch. When Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta, Broly used his powers to surround himself and Paragus with a force field, allowing them to survive the explosion. From then on, Paragus plotted revenge; if not on King Vegeta himself, then his son.

Broly, raged beyond control, destroys the strip mines and the slaves' home planet. Broly goes after Goku and Gohan in a chase, destroying forests and slaves with a barrage of energy blasts. Goku, realizing that in his normal state he doesn't stand a chance, turns into a Super Saiyan. Gohan follows by transforming into his Super Saiyan form as well and then Trunks comes to their aid and also transforms into his Super Saiyan form. The battle gets intense, but remains completely one-sided, with Broly's monstrous strength proving too much for the Z fighters to handle. Goku tells Gohan to run, which he does, but Broly valiantly pursues him and, grabbing his head, throws him into a nearby building, from where he hangs by the cloth around his neck. The destructive Legendary Super Saiyan then single-handedly takes down both Goku and Trunks. Then Piccolo shows up after Broly punishes the warriors and saves Gohan from a would-be-fatal attack. He then hands everyone a senzu bean. Not long after, the four warriors then decide to gang up on a patient Broly, who stands on a thin cliff. In only a matter of minutes, all four of them are pummeled by Broly again. Goku and Piccolo land a few ineffectual punches on him, and Gohan and Trunks' Masenkos have absolutely no effect. Piccolo attempts to persuade Vegeta to fight. In shock, he refuses, and disgusted, Piccolo drops him off the edge of the cliff, telling him to "let the real men fight." Meanwhile, Goku is fighting ceaslessly just to stay alive. Vegeta, rediscovering his inner Saiyan pride, transforms into his Super Saiyan form once again, and joins the fight against Broly. His efforts, however, are futile as he is rendered unconscious within mere seconds. Broly later finds his father, Paragus, attempting to flee inside a Saiyan space pod, leaving his son to die in the explosion of the planet. Broly picks up the pod in turn and crushes it, suffocating Paragus, and throws it directly at the comet where Paragus dies.

Piccolo then tells everyone to channel their powers to Goku so he can defeat Broly. One by one they comply, except Vegeta, who refuses to help a lower-ranking Saiyan due to his pride. While gathering energy, Goku suffers at the hands of Broly; he is blown across the landscape by energy blasts and very powerful punches, and then repeatedly jumped on, causing him to cough up blood. Finally, on the brink of death, Goku forcefully tells Vegeta to help him. Vegeta reluctantly does so, and with the combined power of the Z-Warriors, Goku is finally able to subdue - not defeat - Broly. Everyone then escapes from the planet via a Caspule Corp. ship which Piccolo used to reach them. Goku and Gohan teleport home, only to be confronted by an angry Chi-Chi, who is still annoyed at Goku for leaving during the interview and then passes out (ironically, right after Goku told her "my Hobbies are reading and sports", the exact same thing Chi-Chi told Goku to say at the interview).

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