Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Dragon Ball Z : Super Android 13

The film opens with the introduction showing the death of Dr. Gero at the hands of the Androids 17 and 18, and also revealing that Gero is still around in the form of an underground computer, still working on three new Androids.
The real film now opens with the completion of Androids 14 and 15, who attack Goku while he is shopping with Chi-Chi and Gohan. Not wanting to destroy the city they're in, Goku and Future Trunks, who had arrived just then, leave for an uninhabited Arctic area. The fight seems even until Android 13 shows up - at least until Vegeta and Piccolo arrive. At that point of time, both Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks ascend to their Super Saiyan forms and 14 and 15 are destroyed by Trunks and Vegeta, respectively. Just when the fight seems won, 13 shows off his "Super" form by absorbing two components of the two fallen Androids, transforming into a blue behemoth and vastly increasing his power, changing the battle's outcome yet again. Despite all their efforts, Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo and Trunks are subsequently beaten by the powerful android. But then Goku prepares his Spirit Bomb, and, after transforming into a Super Saiyan, he absorbs its energy into his body (Krillin remarks that Goku's ability to transform shows that he retains his pure heart in Super Saiyan form) and destroys the Android menace. As 13, 14, and 15 are ultimately destroyed, Dr. Gero's computer shuts down for good, while still shouting the words "Goku must die!".
The film closes Goku and his friends healing in the hospital, but Piccolo and Vegeta, in isolation, are sitting back-to-back on a small chunk of ice in the sea.
Dragon Ball Z : Return Of Cooler

A few years prior, the tyrant Frieza destroyed the Planet Namek during his battle with the newly transformed Super Saiyan Goku. The peaceful Namekians found themselves without a home for months. Eventually they had a new planet created for them with the help of the Dragon Balls. For three years or so they lived in peace on their new planet. One day however, a strange metal planet began to absorb New Namek within itself. The star buried its way and wrapped around the planet, absorbing its energy. Dende, who is now the Earth's guardian, senses the plight of his people and calls Goku to ask for help.
Goku, Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, Oolong, Yajirobe and Master Roshi arrive and encounter an army of strange, large, silent robots. We learn that Cooler, Frieza's older brother, that Goku was thought to have killed a few years earlier, is the one who deployed the robots on the planet to enslave the Namekians, whom he plans to use as biological fuel for the Big Gete Star. Goku then fights Cooler, while the other Z-Fighters battle Cooler's robots.
At first the Z-Warriors have trouble penetrating the robots' armor, but Piccolo instructs them to concentrate their energy to one point, and doing so allows them to destroy a few of the robots. However, there are far too many to handle and all the warriors, except Piccolo, are captured along with a village of Namekians. Piccolo is left behind, and destroys all the robots. He then makes his way to rescue those who were captured. Throughout the battle, Goku is distracted by a familiar face - that of Cooler, who he was sure had perished years ago. Goku battles Cooler, but it is apparent that Goku is no match for Cooler's new metallic form which gives him the ability to regenerate himself. Cooler also reveals his ability to use the Instantaneous Movement technique, which Goku also uses. Goku continues to struggle even after becoming a Super Saiyan. Cooler reveals that the Big Gete Star constantly monitors his body, and fixes any flaws that may occur, in this case Cooler's arm being torn off by Goku.
Just before Goku is choked to death by Cooler, Vegeta, who had arrived in a separate pod, shows up just in time to help Goku. The two Super Saiyans attack Cooler and they soon are able to kill him. However, the Big Gete Star once again corrects a flaw in Cooler's design. In this case the flaw was having only one body. So, the computer gave Cooler one-thousand bodies. Outnumbered and exhausted, Goku and Vegeta are captured and transported to the Big Gete Star's core to be used as energy. As Cooler is leeching their Saiyan strength via strange wires, Goku and Vegeta regain consciousness and release all their Super Saiyan energy to the wires, overloading the system. They then blast the true Cooler with the last of their energy, causing his ultimate demise. Meanwhile, Piccolo arrives in the Big Gete Star, and meets up with a clone of Cooler, which explodes. Eventually, all the other clones of Cooler, and every other robot, in the Big Gete Star explode. Piccolo and the rest escape before the Big Gete Star explodes in New Namek's orbit.
Goku and Vegeta fall from the sky near the rest of the Z Fighters, and everyone rejoices. They then realize that Vegeta is nowhere to be found, and Goku looks up at the sky. Vegeta is shown flying in space in his spacepod with the last remaining chip of the Big Gete Star in his hands. He then crushes it, ensuring that Cooler will never return againDragon Ball Z : Cooler's Revenge

In this movie, Frieza's older brother Cooler is introduced. It begins with a flashback to when Frieza destroyed the Saiyan home world, Planet Vegeta. Cooler's ship soon picks up Goku's space pod on the radar. Goku's ship is shown to be heading towards Earth, but Cooler's henchmen believe it is an escape. Cooler lets the ship go, believing it to be no threat. More than twenty years later, Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan and defeats Frieza on Planet Namek. Showing no compassion towards his brother, Cooler takes his Armored Squadron - Doure, Naiz, and Salza to Earth. He plans to kill Goku in order to reclaim his family's honor. His forces ambush Goku and his friends on a camping trip, and Goku is wounded when he takes a blast from Cooler that was intended for Gohan.
After Krillin sets up a shelter in a cave with Goku, Gohan flies off to obtain Senzu beans from Korin. After obtaining the beans, he is ambushed by Cooler's henchmen, but is saved by Piccolo. Piccolo dispatches Doure and Naiz, and takes on Salza, easily gaining the upper hand. During the battle, Cooler arrives and catches Piccolo off-guard with a powerful energy beam, which impales him through the chest but does not kill him. Cooler then sends Salza after Gohan as he continues to blast Piccolo. Gohan gets to the cave with the Senzu beans, but they are destroyed by Salza. However, he heals Goku with a spare bean Yajirobe gave him earlier. After Krillin and Gohan are beaten down by Salza, Goku appears fully healed. Cooler shows up, holding onto an unconscious Piccolo. He then blasts his body with an unexpected attack as Goku watches in horror. Goku blasts Salza into the distance, and begins to fight Cooler.
After Goku proves to be a worthy opponent, Cooler tells of his history with Frieza. He then reveals his final transformation, and pummels Goku around effortlessly, despite Goku using the Kamehameha and Kaio-ken techniques numerous times. Cooler then proceeds to destroy the landscape. However, after seeing a bird die from wounds inflicted by damage caused during the struggle, Goku thinks back on his friends and family, how they all would be killed if he let Cooler kill him. He then picks up the dead bird, letting out a yell so powerful it cracks solid stone. Goku then transforms into his Super Saiyan form, and gives enough of his energy to revive the bird. Cooler then finds himself, like Frieza was, grossly outclassed. After attempting to punch and blast the Super Saiyan with no effect, Cooler summons a trump card when he powers up an enormous ball of energy. Cooler launches the attack with hopes to destroy Goku and the Earth along with him. After a stint of struggling, Goku eventually manages to send it back with the Kamehameha, forcing Cooler off the Earth, towards the sun. Cooler thinks about destroying the sun, which would end life on Earth, until he realizes that he himself is headed into the sun itself. As Cooler curses Goku, he suddenly realizes that Goku is the Saiyan he let escape. His body is then seemingly disintegrated by the sun.
Goku, drained after his battle, is found by Krillin and Gohan. They are looking for Piccolo when Salza reappears, and prepares to kill them all. However, before he can attack, he is killed by Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon from a distance. Gohan looks around for Piccolo, and the movie ends with Piccolo gazing skyward.
Dragon Ball Z : Lord Slug

Lord Slug is one of the legendary Super Namekians. A Namekian that has been traveling through space for a number of years after being banished from his home world for misusing his powers. Along with his crew of vicious fighters, he travels from planet to planet wreaking chaos as he goes. An asteroid alert is wreaking havoc all over the planet as it is going to destroy the entire Earth. Goku and Krillin go to deflect the asteroid off course so it doesn't hit Earth, but though they succeed, a spaceship lands on Earth. Slug's men attempt to carry out the same destruction there that they had at a countless number of other planets. The way they dominate a planet is to literally change its atmosphere, freezing the planet. By conforming it to their liking, they make it more suitable for themselves and almost unlivable for any other people, including the native occupants of the planet. Slug's men manage to gather the Dragon Balls knowing of their power because of his Namekian heritage and uses them to restore his youth and health; like King Piccolo before him, being fully restored gave him a far greater power.
Goku, Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo square off against Slug's team and manage to defeat them all. The final battle against Slug is left in the hands of Goku. The battle is not going well for Goku, who is repeatedly beaten down by Slug, until he catches a punch from Slug and his anger causes him to power up into what King Kai interprets as a Super Saiyan(only with blach hair like a super saiyan 0.5). Goku then angrily attacked Slug in a fierce battle and thanks to his increased strength, is able to deal several effective blows to the Super Namekian. However, Goku is not able to control this power for long and regresses back to his normal form, though he does manage to break Slug's arm. Despite this, Slug is able to tear off his broken arm and grow back a new one, revealing his Namekian heritage to Goku. He then transforms into a giant, more powerful version of himself (something Piccolo was able to do once also) and proceeds to completely annihilate Goku until Piccolo steps in. He becomes caught by Slug's giant hands and cannot escape. Piccolo then rips off his own ears and tells Gohan to whistle in order to use Slug's ultra sensitive hearing against him. Gohan does as told and whistles, causing Slug great pain.
Exploiting a weakness of all Namekians; their extremely sensitive hearing, Gohan's whistling is able to bring Slug to his knees (Piccolo had earlier torn off his ears, so he isn't harmed by this strategy). Piccolo then transfers all of his power to Goku, rejuvenating him. Goku then uses the Kaio-ken attack and succeeds in knocking down the giant Slug. Goku then flies up into the sky to destroy the weather changing generator and absorbs energy from the sun to form a Spirit Bomb. Slug attempts to stop him, but Goku launches the Spirit Bomb and it hits Slug, sending him into the generator, destroying them both. The final scene involves Master Roshi waking up from his nap which he started before the aliens landed and he wishes that something interesting would happen.
Lord Slug is one of the legendary Super Namekians. A Namekian that has been traveling through space for a number of years after being banished from his home world for misusing his powers. Along with his crew of vicious fighters, he travels from planet to planet wreaking chaos as he goes. An asteroid alert is wreaking havoc all over the planet as it is going to destroy the entire Earth. Goku and Krillin go to deflect the asteroid off course so it doesn't hit Earth, but though they succeed, a spaceship lands on Earth. Slug's men attempt to carry out the same destruction there that they had at a countless number of other planets. The way they dominate a planet is to literally change its atmosphere, freezing the planet. By conforming it to their liking, they make it more suitable for themselves and almost unlivable for any other people, including the native occupants of the planet. Slug's men manage to gather the Dragon Balls knowing of their power because of his Namekian heritage and uses them to restore his youth and health; like King Piccolo before him, being fully restored gave him a far greater power.
Goku, Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo square off against Slug's team and manage to defeat them all. The final battle against Slug is left in the hands of Goku. The battle is not going well for Goku, who is repeatedly beaten down by Slug, until he catches a punch from Slug and his anger causes him to power up into what King Kai interprets as a Super Saiyan(only with blach hair like a super saiyan 0.5). Goku then angrily attacked Slug in a fierce battle and thanks to his increased strength, is able to deal several effective blows to the Super Namekian. However, Goku is not able to control this power for long and regresses back to his normal form, though he does manage to break Slug's arm. Despite this, Slug is able to tear off his broken arm and grow back a new one, revealing his Namekian heritage to Goku. He then transforms into a giant, more powerful version of himself (something Piccolo was able to do once also) and proceeds to completely annihilate Goku until Piccolo steps in. He becomes caught by Slug's giant hands and cannot escape. Piccolo then rips off his own ears and tells Gohan to whistle in order to use Slug's ultra sensitive hearing against him. Gohan does as told and whistles, causing Slug great pain.
Exploiting a weakness of all Namekians; their extremely sensitive hearing, Gohan's whistling is able to bring Slug to his knees (Piccolo had earlier torn off his ears, so he isn't harmed by this strategy). Piccolo then transfers all of his power to Goku, rejuvenating him. Goku then uses the Kaio-ken attack and succeeds in knocking down the giant Slug. Goku then flies up into the sky to destroy the weather changing generator and absorbs energy from the sun to form a Spirit Bomb. Slug attempts to stop him, but Goku launches the Spirit Bomb and it hits Slug, sending him into the generator, destroying them both. The final scene involves Master Roshi waking up from his nap which he started before the aliens landed and he wishes that something interesting would happen.
Dragon Ball Z : Tree Of Might

In the movie, the Z Fighters face a new threat that starts with the burning of a forest, in which Gohan and Krillin rescue the forest animals and a small dragon named Icarus. Although they are able to restore the forest to its normal state with the Dragon Balls, Icarus doesn't return and stays with Gohan, much to Chi-Chi's fury. Goku then shows a nearby cave to let Gohan keep the dragon with him. Later, the Earth is visited by an unfriendly group of aliens under the leadership of a Saiyan. Upon arriving, they plant a seed which grows the Tree of Might, a plant that sucks the life of the planet on which it was planted and leaves it a desert. At King Kai's request, Goku, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien and Chiaotzu investigate and try to destroy the Tree, but are unsuccessful. They are then confronted by the aliens whilst their leader watches from inside the spaceship. Eventually, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien and Chiaotzu are defeated by the aliens, with only Goku remaining as the one who can hold his own against them.
During the ensuing battle, Chiaotzu is rescued by Gohan, who had just arrived, and demonstrates his incredible fighting skills by easily taking out the two identical aliens. He is then encountered by the aliens' leader Turles, a Saiyan who bears a striking resemblance to Goku. Turles gives Gohan a choice to either join him or die. Gohan refuses to join Turles, and is saved in time thanks to the arrival of Piccolo. However, Turles defeats the both of them and creates an artificial moon, turning Gohan into an Oozaru and sets him on Goku, who is almost crushed to death in Gohan's hand until Icarus arrives and calms Gohan down. But when Turles attacks Icarus, Gohan is angered and turns on Turles, who fires an attack at Gohan. Before the attack can make contact, Goku eventually manages to cut his son's tail off and restore him to normal. Cradling the little one in his arms, Goku threatens Turles. Angry and impressed at the same time, Turles sets his henchmen on Goku, who uses the Kaio-ken attack and makes quick work of them while Piccolo unsuccessfully fights Turles again. Goku and Turles then fight, with Goku having the upper hand, until Turles pushes his power further by eating a fruit from the Tree of Might. With his new power, Turles dominates Goku and beats him to the point that he is no longer able to fight, even with the use of the Kaio-ken x10.
Slowly recovering while Turles is distracted by the rest of the Z-Fighters, whom he brutally dispatches, Goku decides to use his Spirit Bomb. Despite gaining energy from the living, he is not able to attack Turles as he counterattacks with a blast of his own, neutralizing Goku's Spirit Bomb. Unable to gather more energy from living beings, Goku decides to steal energy from inside the Tree of Might itself. Eventually successful in creating the Spirit Bomb, Goku sees his opportunity, and fires it straight into Turles, who is carried up the trunk of the Tree of Might and destroyed along with the Tree when the Spirit Bomb explodes. With the terror now over, the Z-Fighters return to their normal lives once again, and that is the end of this long battle.
Dragon Ball Z : The World's Strongest

The movie begins when Gohan and Oolong search for the Dragon Balls that have all been gathered in the frozen Tsumisumbri Mountains, but before they reach them, Shenron is summoned by Dr. Kochin who wishes that his mentor, Dr. Wheelo, to be released from his icy prison. Gohan and Oolong are then attacked by Kochin's Biomen, but are saved by Piccolo, who easily defeats all of them and destroys one with a mouth beam. As Gohan and Oolong escape however, Piccolo is captured by Dr. Kochin's three Bio-Warriors. Later, Master Roshi is faced by Dr. Kochin's Biomen and defeats them all in battle, but the Biomen kidnap Master Roshi and Bulma, thinking that Roshi is the world's strongest and a suitable body for Dr. Wheelo, whose own body was destroyed, leaving him only as a brain. Roshi is tested by Dr. Kochin's three Bio Warriors, and proves to be worthy, but is ultimately defeated. Bulma inadvertedly reveals that Goku is the strongest, just as the Earth's hero approaches the fortress on the Nimbus Cloud to save his friends.
As soon as Goku arrives, he is attacked by the Bio Warrior Misokattsun, who has a large rubber body. After knocking him down, Goku races inside the fortress and is attacked by large flying balls with spikes. After dodging several of them, Goku fires rapid energy blasts and destroys all of the spikes. Misokattsun then attacks again, but Goku uses the Kaio-ken attack and flies right through the Bio-Warrior, deflating him. On the higher level, Goku is attacked by Kishime and Ebifurya, and holds his own for a while, but is then shocked by Kishime's electric rods and frozen solid by Ebifurya's icy attack. Gohan and Krillin then arrive to help, but are soon shocked and frozen also. However, Goku uses the Kaio-ken again, freeing him from his icy prison, and he easily takes out the two Bio-Warriors.
They then arrive at Dr. Wheelo's lab where Bulma is being held, but run into Piccolo, who has been brainwashed. Goku and Piccolo then fight each other, but Gohan's anger causes the mind-controlling device on Piccolo to break. Dr. Kochin tries to shoot Krillin and Bulma with his machine gun-arm, but is beaten by Roshi. Dr. Wheelo then breaks out of the wall, revealing his brain to be inside a huge robot and destroying Kochin in the process, revealing him to be a robot as well. Goku, Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, and Roshi then fight Dr. Wheelo together, but are unable to win. Goku refuses to give up however, and he decides then to attack Dr. Wheelo with the Kaio-ken x3. He manages to break Dr. Wheelo's right arm off and is about to finish him off with the Kamehameha blast when Dr. Wheelo counters it with a blast of his own. Right as Dr. Wheelo is about to win the beam struggle however, Goku uses the Kaio-ken x4. He then overpowers Dr. Wheelo and shoots him through his laboratory's ceiling, into space.
All is thought to be over but Dr. Wheelo is still alive and well. Goku senses this and decides the only way to kill Dr. Wheelo is to form a Spirit Bomb. Dr. Wheelo then begins to rain blasts of energy down from space from his claw, which ends up hitting Goku while he is making his Spirit Bomb. This sends Gohan into a rage, and he starts to fly up into the atmosphere to attack Dr. Wheelo, who is already on his way down to earth. Piccolo arrives to assist Gohan, as does Krillin. Gohan and Piccolo stop Dr. Wheelo's descent while Krillin attempts to attack him to no avail. Piccolo attacks Dr. Wheelo with a mouth beam, severely cracking his visor. Back on Earth, Goku is still alive and he launches the Spirit Bomb up into space. Dr. Wheelo out of anger then attempts to destroy the entire planet with the energy built up in his laboratory's power core. He fires off a massive red laser from his entire body down to earth, but Goku's Spirit Bomb collides with the laser, bursting through it, and it hits Dr. Wheelo. He is sent spiraling off into space on a jagged wave of energy where he explodes multiple times until he is no more. In the aftermath of the battle, Piccolo responds to Goku and the others' celebration by saying Gohan deserved all the credit, and the movie ends with everyone laughing (except Piccolo) at how Dr. Wheelo thought that Master Roshi was the strongest man in the world.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Dragon Ball Z : Bio Broly

The film opens with a group of strangely colored humanoids emerging from tanks in a laboratory. The scientists responsible for these creations are congratulated by their employer, Mr. Jaguar, who plans to make these "Bio-Humans" into the strongest fighters on Earth. Despite warnings from his cousin, Men-Men, Jaguar laughs maniacally as one of his not-yet-finished bio-humans wags his furry tail in his tank.
As Mr. Satan (Hercule) hasn't yet paid Android 18 the prize money she demanded for letting him beat her in the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, she begins smashing Mr. Satan's mansion up, particularly his undeserved prizes from the tournament. Mr. Satan, cowering, tries to tell 18 that he hasn't gotten the money yet, but she doesn't believe him, and continues to ransack his home. His screams of fright are heard by Krillin, Marron, Trunks, and Goten, who are waiting for 18.
Mr. Satan is visited by Men-Men, who claims to be the cousin of Mr. Satan's old martial arts rival, Jaguar. It seems that Jaguar is blackmailing Hercule into visiting his laboratory island to fight his bio-fighters. Hercule agrees, and departs with Men-Men, followed by 18, Trunks, and Goten; 18 to ensure that Mr. Satan does not cheat her again, and Trunks and Goten out of excitement over the Bio-Warriors.
Upon arriving, Mr. Satan is coldly greeted by Jaguar, who sets up a tournament for him to fight the bio-fighters, but when they demonstrate their incredible fighting abilities, they are more than which Mr. Satan can handle, Goten, Trunks, and 18 intervene. Goten and Trunks are then confronted by a familiar face: The Priest from Natade Village whom they met in the previous movie.
Enraged, Jaguar reveals his greatest weapon: a Super Bio-Fighter. But when Trunks and Goten see the Super Bio-Fighter, they recognize him as none other than the Legendary Super Saiyan himself, Broly. They confront the priest, who tells them that he sold Broly's frozen blood to Jaguar, and that the Super Bio-Fighter is Broly's clone. Trunks and Goten prepare to destroy Broly before he can be revived, but seeing Goten has already awakened Broly's Saiyan instincts and his vendetta against Goku. He breaks out of stasis, only to be drenched in the bio-liquid and turns into a horribly deformed, slime covered bio-mutant, giving him the name Bio-Broly.
Jaguar commands Bio-Broly to attack Mr. Satan, but 18 intervenes at the last minute, only to get pounded by the Bio-Saiyan. Just before Bio-Broly can kill Hercule, Trunks intervenes and save him in time. They then attack Bio-Broly head-on, and prove to be an equal match for the Bio-Saiyan, until Goten abandons the battle to save trapped scientists from the flooding of a dangerous bio-liquid which absorbs anything with a different genetic structure to its own and grows stronger.
As Bio-Broly pounds Trunks around, 18 recovers and tries to stop him, but she too is beaten. Just before Bio-Broly can kill her, Krillin shows up in time and rescues 18, but Bio-Broly finds them both and almost kills them. Goten and Trunks then fight Bio-Broly again, but they get seriously pounded, and Bio-Broly almost kills Goten until Trunks devises a way to get rid of the menace.
Trunks manages to lure Bio-Broly into a corner, where he blasts the bio-liquid tanks, causing them to shower on Bio-Broly and supposedly melt him. Unfortunately, this only makes the bio-liquid more powerful and his power rises, and it soon starts to flood the entire island, and possibly the whole planet. Goten, Trunks, Krillin and 18 manage to get as many people as they can out of the lab, including the reluctant Jaguar and Men-Men, who want to die shamefully along with their deadly creations, but Trunks rescues them anyway, and Mr. Satan manages to escape by jumping into the water.
To everyone's surprise, the bio-liquid seems to be solidifying by touching the sea water, so Trunks, Goten, and Krillin use a triple Kamehameha Wave to blast the water by the island so high that the entire island is flooded with sea water, which solidifies all the bio-liquid. Unfortunately, the celebrations are cut short when Bio-Broly emerges from the sea as a giant. However, as fast as Bio-Broly emerges, he then turns to stone, due to having been drenched in sea water. Seeing their chance, Goten and Trunks blast the gigantic Bio-Broly statue into smithereens, ridding the universe of Broly for good.
Mr. Satan emerges from the sea water, calling for help. Laughing, 18 says that she will help him if he promises to pay her 100,000,000 zeni. Fuming, Mr. Satan swims off.
In the Other World, Goku is informed that Broly (the original) is causing trouble in Hell. Along with Pikkon, Goku is sent to stop Broly but instead he gives it a while longer as he continues to eat.
Dragon Ball Z : Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan

This story begins at a picnic, during a painful singing session courtesy of Krillin, when a massive ship arrives. Out comes Paragus, one of the few surviving Saiyans. He invites Vegeta to rule a new Planet Vegeta. Vegeta initially refuses until Paragus appeals to Vegeta's ego by asking him to kill the Legendary Super Saiyan that has completely destroyed the South Galaxy.
Gohan, Trunks, Krillin, Master Roshi and Oolong depart with Vegeta on Paragus' spaceship (with Trunks's intention being to try and stop his father from doing something foolish).
Meanwhile, Goku is at a school interview with Chi-Chi, who is trying to get Gohan accepted into the school. Goku is reached telepathically by King Kai during the interview, and immediately teleports to him upon hearing the South Galaxy has been destroyed, leaving the school staff confused and Chi-Chi very annoyed. King Kai then tells Goku that a Super Saiyan is destroying planets in the South Galaxy and asks Goku to step in and stop him.
At first the group believes that Paragus has good intentions and honestly wants to create a new Planet Vegeta (Though Future Trunks is suspicious about the whole ordeal). Later on it is revealed that the planet is on a collision course with a large comet, "Comet Camori". Soon after Gohan, Trunks, Krillin, Roshi, Oolong, and Vegeta arrive, a report comes in that the Legendary Super Saiyan is attacking another planet. Vegeta takes Paragus's son, Broly, and investigates. Meanwhile, Goku teleports to a planet already ravaged by the Legendary Super Saiyan, and Goku feels the echoes of the enormous ki that was present. Goku, having not seen the Legendary Super Saiyan, teleports to the new Planet Vegeta.
While Vegeta and Broly are investigating the attack, Gohan, Trunks and Krillin go out to investigate the new Planet Vegeta. They find a slave colony strip mining the planet to send energy to the palace. Gohan, Trunks and Krillin quickly break up the slave labor going on at the colony. This is also when Goku arrives on the planet to be accidentally punched by Krillin. Paragus also first meets Goku during this scene, and immediately identifies him as Bardock's son.
The first time that Broly sees Goku, he immediately recognizes him and gets extremely infuriated. Broly and Goku begin powering up in a standoff, until Paragus brings him back under control by using a mind-control device put on him when he was a teenager. Unfortunately for Paragus, Broly later finds a way to bypass the mind-control which the device has over him.
During this scene we are told, by Paragus, that Goku and Broly were born on the same day. Broly was born with an extreme fighting power of 10,000 (which is unusual since not even most adult Saiyans have power levels that high), while Goku had a much weaker power-level of 2. It is said that Goku cried constantly, keeping Broly awake for days on end. From then on, Broly would constantly hold a grudge against Goku. During his teen years, Broly's mental and emotional instability, coupled with his great power, made him highly dangerous. After an incident that cost Paragus his left eye, Broly is fitted with a device meant to keep his power in check, and Paragus, who barely survived the ordeal, realized that, with Broly's power under his control, he could rule the universe.
Meanwhile, Broly attacks Goku during the night as a restrained Super Saiyan. Despite Goku's best efforts, none of his attacks have any effect on Broly, and he is forced to run. Towards the end of the fight, Paragas reasserts control over Broly and forces him to stop attacking Goku. He barely manages to do so, foreshadowing things to come. At this point, Goku realizes that Broly is the Legendary Super Saiyan, recognizing the power he felt earlier as Broly's own.
Eventually Gohan, Trunks and Krillin bring the slaves they freed back to the palace, and they identify Broly as the one that attacked their planet. Paragus reveals that the planet is about to be hit by the comet, and that he in fact wants to reestablish Saiyan dominance across the universe, using the Earth as their new homeworld. Suddenly, an increasingly-agitated Broly goes after Goku shouting, "Kakarot!" repeatedly, suddenly transforming into a restrained Super Saiyan while he does so. Vegeta transforms into a Super Saiyan and attacks Broly, who is completely unfazed by (and seems oblivious to) the attack. Vegeta then attacks Broly with a Big Bang Attack but the blast, again, has no effect. Broly soon rages out of Paragus' control and, in a very intense transformation, becomes a monsterous behemoth of a Super Saiyan, his true and most powerful form. Vegeta, stunned by Broly's power, falls to the ground in shock, eyes wide with fear, realizing that Broly is the feared Legendary Super Saiyan.
Paragus reveals that Vegeta's father viewed the infant Broly as a threat, and ordered his execution. Paragus attempted to plead with him for his son's life, stating that the acquired data could be wrong and that Broly could grow up to be a great warrior and an asset to the royal family. King Vegeta stated that, while this was true, Broly could just as easily turn on them, and decided to let father and son die together; Paragus is hit with an energy blast, Broly is stabbed in the abdomen with a dagger, and both are thrown in a ditch. When Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta, Broly used his powers to surround himself and Paragus with a force field, allowing them to survive the explosion. From then on, Paragus plotted revenge; if not on King Vegeta himself, then his son.
Broly, raged beyond control, destroys the strip mines and the slaves' home planet. Broly goes after Goku and Gohan in a chase, destroying forests and slaves with a barrage of energy blasts. Goku, realizing that in his normal state he doesn't stand a chance, turns into a Super Saiyan. Gohan follows by transforming into his Super Saiyan form as well and then Trunks comes to their aid and also transforms into his Super Saiyan form. The battle gets intense, but remains completely one-sided, with Broly's monstrous strength proving too much for the Z fighters to handle. Goku tells Gohan to run, which he does, but Broly valiantly pursues him and, grabbing his head, throws him into a nearby building, from where he hangs by the cloth around his neck. The destructive Legendary Super Saiyan then single-handedly takes down both Goku and Trunks. Then Piccolo shows up after Broly punishes the warriors and saves Gohan from a would-be-fatal attack. He then hands everyone a senzu bean. Not long after, the four warriors then decide to gang up on a patient Broly, who stands on a thin cliff. In only a matter of minutes, all four of them are pummeled by Broly again. Goku and Piccolo land a few ineffectual punches on him, and Gohan and Trunks' Masenkos have absolutely no effect. Piccolo attempts to persuade Vegeta to fight. In shock, he refuses, and disgusted, Piccolo drops him off the edge of the cliff, telling him to "let the real men fight." Meanwhile, Goku is fighting ceaslessly just to stay alive. Vegeta, rediscovering his inner Saiyan pride, transforms into his Super Saiyan form once again, and joins the fight against Broly. His efforts, however, are futile as he is rendered unconscious within mere seconds. Broly later finds his father, Paragus, attempting to flee inside a Saiyan space pod, leaving his son to die in the explosion of the planet. Broly picks up the pod in turn and crushes it, suffocating Paragus, and throws it directly at the comet where Paragus dies.
Piccolo then tells everyone to channel their powers to Goku so he can defeat Broly. One by one they comply, except Vegeta, who refuses to help a lower-ranking Saiyan due to his pride. While gathering energy, Goku suffers at the hands of Broly; he is blown across the landscape by energy blasts and very powerful punches, and then repeatedly jumped on, causing him to cough up blood. Finally, on the brink of death, Goku forcefully tells Vegeta to help him. Vegeta reluctantly does so, and with the combined power of the Z-Warriors, Goku is finally able to subdue - not defeat - Broly. Everyone then escapes from the planet via a Caspule Corp. ship which Piccolo used to reach them. Goku and Gohan teleport home, only to be confronted by an angry Chi-Chi, who is still annoyed at Goku for leaving during the interview and then passes out (ironically, right after Goku told her "my Hobbies are reading and sports", the exact same thing Chi-Chi told Goku to say at the interview).
Dragon Ball Z : Broly Second Coming

The film opens with a Saiyan Space pod flying through space and crash-landing on Earth. The crash causes a small crater to appear, and a Super Saiyan crawls out: Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan. As the weather gets colder, Broly's power decreases, and he reverts back from his Legendary Super Saiyan form to his mastered Super Saiyan form, until he finally loses consciousness and turns back into his normal form. Water pours over, and freezes, trapping the sleeping Broly and preserving him.
Seven years later, Goku is deceased having sacrificed his life to save the Earth and his second son, Goten, as well as Trunks and Videl are looking for the Dragonballs because Videl wants to see Shenron. During their search, they find that there is a local village called Nataday that is ruled by a priest, who always seems to think that everything in the world is a curse. The residents of Nataday village claim that they are usually terrorized by a monster, and their only source of help is the priest's preaching and annual human sacrifices.
Goten, Trunks and Videl decide to make a plan to rid Natady Village of the monster by leaving food for it and hiding in a chest next to it. However, Trunks and Goten's hunger gets the better of them and Trunks sneaks an apple, but Videl doesn't allow Goten to do so, eventually slapping him across the face and causing him to cry a lot. Goten moans and cries (actually pretending) while Videl attempts to apologize, until she finally gives in and hands him a piece of bread.
Then, the monster appears, and turns out to be a dinosaur. After playing around with the dinosaur, Goten and Trunks kill it, and share the meat with Videl and the villagers. The priest is then rejected by the villagers for not being a competent savior, and thrown out of the village. With Nataday village now a peaceful place to live, Goten, Trunks and Videl depart to continue their Dragonball hunt.
However, unknown to them, Goten's cries shatter a layer of ice, the same layer of ice which Broly is encased in. Broly awoke in the ice due to Goten's crying (As it reminded him of Goku's crying, which Broly hated Goku for) and shatters the ice, enraged and emerging as a mastered Super Saiyan.
Night time falls as Goten, Trunks and Videl fall asleep so they can continue their quest the next day to bring Shenron out. Early morning Videl is awakened by loud explosions in the distant and takes off flying to investigate the explosions by the nearby lake. Here, Videl is confronted by a huge, young man with white trousers, earrings, a red belt, no top, and blond hair: Broly in his mastered Super Saiyan form.
Videl confronts Broly, but soon proves to be no match for the Legendary Super Saiyan, who knocks her unconscious and into the lake with a single punch. Goten and Trunks arrive and attempt to convince him to stop, but when Broly sets his eyes on Goten, his rage comes to the surface, because he mistakes Goten for Goku, due to their similar looks and cries, as well as Broly's deteriorating mental state. Broly turns his attention to Goten and Trunks who then both proceed to transform into mastered Super Saiyans. Broly battles them both, pounding them seriously.
During the battle, Goten's eyes fall on the nearby last Dragonball, so Trunks tries to distract Broly by mooning and taunting him while Goten gets the Dragonball. Unfortunately, Goten tries to summon Shenron behind a waterfall so that Broly doesn't see him, and Shenron does not appear. Just as Broly is about to finish Goten and Trunks off, Gohan appears at the last minute and saves the two younger half-Saiyans.
With Trunks and Goten safe for now, Gohan lands and explains that Broly is the feared Legendary Super Saiyan, whom he battled alongside Goku and his friends seven years ago. To his surprise, Gohan finds out Videl is also with Goten and Trunks. Thinking now that Gohan is Goku, Broly calls out Kakarot! and charges towards Gohan. Gohan then begins to fight Broly head-on. Just then Videl reappears and Gohan and Broly take their battle to the skies. Broly then turns his sights on Goten, Trunks, and Videl who are standing on a cliff watching the battle below. Broly guides an energy ball that he throws towards the three below. Gohan, at the last second, appears in front of the others and using his power, tries to shield his brother and friends from the blast but to no avail. The blast seriously hurts the others and Gohan is the only one left standing to face Broly. Angry at this turn of events, Gohan powers up and transforms into his Super Saiyan form . Broly follows up by powering up to his Legendary Super Saiyan form. After a short completely one-sided fight, Gohan, now overpowered, is unable to find a way to beat Broly. Just then, Gohan sees his only chance to beat Broly. Gohan lures Broly into a pit of molten lava that Broly's energy ball made earlier. Broly is apparently caught and dragged into the molten lava. A weakened Gohan reverts from his Super Saiyan form and is rescued in time by Krillin, who is strangely dressed like Piccolo, before he could be caught in the lava himself. To everyone's shock, Broly re-appears before their eyes surrounded by an energy shield, and knocks Krillin out with one energy attack. Broly then proceeds to torture Gohan, with everyone too weak and exhausted to help.
Just as Broly is about to squeeze the life out of Gohan, Videl appears and intervenes by throwing a crystal at the huge Saiyan that distracts him for a moment. Seeing Videl pass out after throwing the crystal angers Gohan and kicks Broly in the stomach, freeing himself from Broly’s grip. Gohan transforms into his Super Saiyan form and attacks Broly with his Kamehameha, but Broly counter-attacks with a gigantic green energy ball powerful enough to destroy the galaxy, and blocks Gohan's attack. The Dragonballs fall out of Goten's bag and begin to glow. The glow awakens Goten, who was knocked unconscious from Broly's earlier blast and arrives next to his older brother. Goten also transforms into a Super Saiyan and fires his own Kamehameha to help Gohan. However, even with a combined Kamehameha, Broly still has the upper-hand and starts to push the huge green energy bomb forward by firing multiple ki shots at it. Goten, now afraid of losing, begins wishing Goku was there in his mind. The Dragonballs seem to hear Goten's wish and begin to shine and seemingly Shenron is summoned (the clouds and sky turn black but Shenron does not actually appear on screen). Shenron seems to grant Goten's wish, and Gohan and Goten surprisingly hear a familiar voice coming from the sky: their father, Goku's voice. Somehow, Goku appears from the dark sky and lands beside his two sons, transforms into Super Saiyan, and fires his own Kamehameha to assist while coaching them in the Kamehameha duel, which proves redundant as Broly just laughs and launches a small ki blast into the energy ball. Trunks, now awakened from the energy battle, sends one last ditch effort ki ball that he had been charging up at Broly and passes out. Trunks' energy ball creates a barrier between Broly and his giant energy blast. This keeps Broly from firing more ki blasts into the blast to help push it forward. Seeing that Broly is distracted Goku and his sons launch out all of their powers into the triple Kamehameha and it is able to breaks through the blast. Broly is then blasted into the sun and seemingly defeated.
After the smoke clears, the Dragonballs are gone, and so is Goku. With Broly now defeated, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Videl return home. The movie ends with Krillin still being stuck in the rock that he was blasted into and ends the movie by saying "Hey guys! Can someone help me up? I'm stuck. Seriously!!
Dragon Ball Z : Bojack Unbound
Bojack is the main villain of the movie. His goal is to conquer the universe and destroy all those that stand in his way. According to King Kai, he was sealed by all four Kais in a star, but when Goku teleported the devolved, ready to self-destruct Cell to King Kai's planet, killing him, the seal broke, allowing Bojack to be free to do his destruction upon the Earth.
Having another World Martial Arts Tournament funded by Mr. X.S. Cash for his son's birthday, Hercule invites everyone on Earth to a competition on Battle Island. Charging through the preliminaries with no trouble, Krillin, Piccolo, Trunks, Gohan and Dosqoi, an ordinary human, advance to the Semifinals. In the first round Gohan wins with ease. The second round between Trunks and Tien began. Tien gave the audience a "good show" by using his Tri-Beam Cannon, and the two took to the air after a quick warm-up. Tien powers up and Trunks transforms into a Super Saiyan. At Capsule Corp. Vegeta is seen watching the match on TV. Disgusted, he switches the TV off and lays back. Charging through a Destructo Disk, Trunks slams Tien into the water, giving Trunks the win. The third match between Krillin and Piccolo was brief. Clearly irritated by his opponent, Piccolo forfeits by leaving, giving Krillin the win. During all this Hercule is trying various ways to get off the island so he doesn't face any of the Z-Fighters, but all of them fail. Gohan, Trunks, Krillin and Dosqoi proceed to the finals and head to separate battle zones. Krillin is confronted by a mysterious woman named Zangya, who beats him flat while Dosqoi is killed by Bido.
Everyone soon begins to realize what's wrong as Trunks is challenged by Kogu and Gohan confronts Bujin. During this time, Hercule is in the rest room, thinking about how he got himself in this mess, but after looking at his belt he realizes that the people need him and, in an uncharacteristically brave mood he goes out and gets slammed into a pod and sent to the fighting. During his fight against Kogu, Trunks transforms into a Super Saiyan, shatters Kogu's sword and shoves his fist right through Kogu's chest, killing him. As he turns to leave, he is struck down in one blow by an unknown foe. Far away, Vegeta felt this power and knew something was up. Gohan continues his fight with Bujin until he is lead out to where Krillin and Trunks are. After inspecting his fallen friends, Bojack introduces himself and tells him his plans to rule the universe as his revenge. Yamcha and Tien turn up to fight but are defeated by Bujin, Bido and Zangya. Seeing his friends fallen, Gohan transforms into a Super Saiyan and fights them while Bojack watches on in amusement. Gohan is beaten down and Bojack powers up an attack to finish him off, although it was deflected by Piccolo, who had come to Gohan's aid. Trunks comes back into action and they both challenge Bojack. After a period of fighting Trunks's sword appears; catching it as Vegeta enters the fight and transforms into a Super Saiyan, quickly setting on Bojack. During this, Trunks thinks that Vegeta would only ever fight when it meant him surpassing Goku's strength, and he realises that Vegeta has truly changed. While Vegeta and Bojack fight the rest fought against his last surviving henchman. During his fight against Vegeta, Bojack beats him down and transforms. Gohan rushes to Piccolo's aid, but Piccolo tells him to not worry about him and fight Bojack. Bojack challenges Gohan to a fight and beats him to a bloody pulp thanks to the aid of Bido and Zangya's Untrapped ropes, which drains Gohan's energy away, but is freed when Hercule's incoming pod distracts them all. Annoyed at this, Bojack powers up an attack and blasts Hercule's pod causing him to fall to the ground. Trying to save him, Gohan is struck down by Bojack's henchmen.
On Snake Way with King Kai, Goku can't watch any more and, using his Instant Transmission, teleports himself to the fight and punches Bojack before he can finish Gohan off. Surprised, Bojack falls to the ground. After a few words of advice, Goku places his son on the ground safely and disappears. Gohan, taking in his father's words, gets back and turns to Bojack with fire in his eyes. Gohan transforms into Super Saiyan 2, surprising Bojack and his crew. Gohan beats Bido and Bujin each in one hit, breaking them both in half, and Zangya is killed when Bojack uses her as a shield from Gohan. The angry young Saiyan then slams his fist into Bojack's stomach, with it blowing a hole in his stomach and out through his back. As a last resort, Bojack powers up his Galactic Buster and Gohan prepares a Kamehameha. The energies clash together and in the blinding light Bojack is killed. Gohan, exhausted, falls backwards laughing as Goku praises him from Other World, and King Kai jokes that he broke the rules of going back to Earth while dead. After the events, everyone is in hospital watching the news that Hercule is the one who defeated the alien intruders and is called a true hero while everyone jokes about him.
As in Super Android 13!, the film closes with Piccolo and Vegeta on the roof, arms folded and backs turned to each other, isolating themselves from the celebration.
Dragon Ball Z : Dead Zone

The movie begins with Piccolo being attacked and supposedly killed by a group of shadowed fighters. The movie then cuts to Chi-Chi along with her father, Ox King, and Gohan being attacked by an unknown group of warriors. Goku is out fishing during the attack and after sensing danger, he returns only to find his son has been kidnapped. The group responsible for the attack are Garlic Jr.'s henchmen, and it is later revealed that they were not so much holding Gohan ransom for any reason, but because they were after the four-star Dragon Ball that was attached to his hat. After retrieving the remaining Dragon Balls, Garlic Jr. summons Shenron and he immediately wishes for immortality. Shenron, never having to grant this type of demand before, grants Garlic Jr. his wish. A furious Goku arrives to try and take back his son, but soon discovers Garlic Jr.'s new power. Kami makes an appearance (which surprises Garlic Jr., who thought that his henchmen had killed Piccolo) and meets up with Goku, and describes a brief history of Garlic Jr. and his father Garlic. Goku then proceeds to try to find Gohan when he is attacked by the villain's gang, whilst Kami faces Garlic Jr.
After brief fighting, Krillin and Piccolo arrive to help. Piccolo gets revenge for being attacked earlier by defeating Garlic Jr.'s henchman Sansho, while Goku manages to defeat the other two henchmen Ginger and Nicky. Meanwhile, Kami is getting brutally outmatched by Garlic Jr., until Goku and Piccolo rescue him. And with Garlic Jr.'s newly obtained immortality and a new muscular second form, it seems not even Earth's warriors can take him down. But when Goku & Piccolo work together, two-against-one prevails, and Garlic Jr. is outclassed. Angry at his defeat, Garlic Jr. unleashes his ultimate attack, and bursting with anger, he opens up a portal known as the "Dead Zone" (hence the name of the film). Intending to suck his enemies into the void, Garlic Jr. becomes frustrated with Goku's ability to avoid the Dead Zone, and he decides to handle Goku himself, and later force him into the Dead Zone. Things looking extremely difficult for Earth's hero, Goku's son, Gohan, becomes enraged witnessing his father and friends in danger and releases his latent energy, blasting Garlic Jr. into his own vortex to be trapped for an eternity. Remarkably, in the end of it all, Gohan doesn't remember a thing of what happened, instead believing that his father defeated Garlic Jr., and with amazement, Goku figures his son is no ordinary boy, but one with a great hidden potential. At the end of the movie, Piccolo is seen from above, looking down on Goku and his friends and vows that one day, he will defeat Goku.
After brief fighting, Krillin and Piccolo arrive to help. Piccolo gets revenge for being attacked earlier by defeating Garlic Jr.'s henchman Sansho, while Goku manages to defeat the other two henchmen Ginger and Nicky. Meanwhile, Kami is getting brutally outmatched by Garlic Jr., until Goku and Piccolo rescue him. And with Garlic Jr.'s newly obtained immortality and a new muscular second form, it seems not even Earth's warriors can take him down. But when Goku & Piccolo work together, two-against-one prevails, and Garlic Jr. is outclassed. Angry at his defeat, Garlic Jr. unleashes his ultimate attack, and bursting with anger, he opens up a portal known as the "Dead Zone" (hence the name of the film). Intending to suck his enemies into the void, Garlic Jr. becomes frustrated with Goku's ability to avoid the Dead Zone, and he decides to handle Goku himself, and later force him into the Dead Zone. Things looking extremely difficult for Earth's hero, Goku's son, Gohan, becomes enraged witnessing his father and friends in danger and releases his latent energy, blasting Garlic Jr. into his own vortex to be trapped for an eternity. Remarkably, in the end of it all, Gohan doesn't remember a thing of what happened, instead believing that his father defeated Garlic Jr., and with amazement, Goku figures his son is no ordinary boy, but one with a great hidden potential. At the end of the movie, Piccolo is seen from above, looking down on Goku and his friends and vows that one day, he will defeat Goku.
Dragon Ball Z : Fusion Reborn

The movie begins with Goku fighting in another Other World Tournament against Pikkon during the Buu saga. At the same time, a teenage "psyche ogre" is guarding an evil-purification machine, but he is distracted with his heavy metal music. He accidentally doesn't pay attention and the machine gets too full and breaks, releasing all of the evil energy at once. As a result, on Earth, many of the dead have been brought back to life, including previous villains from the Dragon Ball Z series and movies, and some real life ones like Hitler (however he is named "The Dictator" in the English version) (this indicates the films are in the same continunity), and Gohan and Videl are summoned to take care of them.
Bulma and the others gather the Dragonballs, and summon Shenron. They wish for all the revived souls to return to the Other World, but Shenron informs them that he can send them back but there is nothing stopping them from staying back, and that something is wrong in the Other World and only King Yemma can solve the problem.
The Grand Kai then sends Goku and Pikkon to go to King Yemma and see what's going on. When they arrive, they find that the Other World has been changed into a colorful, weird world filled with colorful stones. King Yemma has been imprisoned in a barrier, and the teenager has been mutated by the spiritual waste into a big ugly monster named Janemba. Pikkon attempts to break the barrier, which can only be done by swearing at it, and Goku begins fighting the monster. The monster has strange powers that allow him to defy reality (such as creating a portal to punch through that leads right to Goku), and even as a Super Saiyan 2, Goku is losing. He then powers up to Super Saiyan 3 to defeat the monster, making Janemba the second enemy (after Majin Buu) to force Goku to turn Super Saiyan 3. Goku subsequently dominates Janemba and makes quick work of him, but the monster, though defeated, morphs into a smaller, more powerful form.
On Earth, Mr. Satan (Hercule in the English version) is winning over the zombies. Frieza and his henchmen arrives shortly after Gohan and Videl get rid of a large group of zombies and Frieza starts to taunt Gohan. However, Gohan defeats him and all the other villains. Back in the Other World, Pikkon discovers that cursing at the jelly bean prison causes it to break. Meanwhile, Janemba makes a sword, and starts to easily beat Goku. He traps him in a triangular cage made from Blood Pond, then cuts it down to just fit Goku.
However, just as Janemba attempts to deal the finishing blow, Vegeta dashes in and helps him; due to the imbalances caused by Janemba, Vegeta has regained his physical form. He starts to fight Janemba in his Super Saiyan 2 form, but is no match for him. Goku breaks out of Blood Pond to help, but also is defeated. Both Goku and Vegeta take cover in a cage of spikes. Goku knows they cannot win as separate entities, so he suggests using the fusion technique. Vegeta becomes skeptical, first off that the pose for the Fusion Dance is embarrassing, and furthermore tells him he would rather die than to fuse with a low class Saiyan. But Goku calmly retorts that Vegeta already is dead. After an attack by Janemba that the two barely avoid, Goku persuades him to agree, and then they try the Fusion Dance. Vegeta, however, fails to extend his forefinger at the last second, ruining the fusion, and Veku is created. This fat fighter is weak and can do little but fart in Janemba's face. Right when Janemba is about to destroy him, the Fusion runs out and Goku and Vegeta escape. Vegeta curses Goku, saying Fusion is useless, but King Kai points out that it is Vegeta's fault that the Fusion went wrong. Pikkon then comes after giving up on the ice-like shield and begins to fight Janemba to give Goku and Vegeta more time to perform the fusion. He figures that Janemba is made of the same material as the shield, and begins cursing at it. Surprisingly, it works, and the creature is caught completely by surprise. However, it is able to incapacitate Pikkon, although those precious few seconds allowed Goku and Vegeta to perform the Fusion Dance, which is successful, forming Gogeta.
Back on Earth, Goten and Trunks sense their fathers fusing, and also fuse to create Gotenks. Gotenks defeats Hitler's army with the Super Kamikaze Ghost Attack in one shot. Gogeta is formed, and he quickly defeats Janemba with his ultimate attack, Stardust Breaker. As a result, the teenage demon returns. Scared by the angry look on Gogeta's face, he runs away. Hell is returned to normal and King Yemma is freed. All of the souls are returned to the machine, which is restored. Goku and Vegeta defuse and bid each other a friendly farewell as Vegeta disappears.
On Earth, Gohan, Goten, Videl and Trunks are returning home. Goten and Trunks joke about Gohan and Videl kissing back in town, and are chased home by a cross Gohan. (In the original version, Goten and Trunks brag about how they fought against "someone you know" Hitler, and annoy Gohan by not telling him who it was). Meanwhile, Shenron remains summoned, and asks if anyone still wants to use the wish.
Dragon Ball Z : Wrath Of The Dragon

The movie begins with a young boy on a distant planet frantically searching his current area, sword at the ready. Suddenly a loud noise alerts him that the thing he was searching for is behind him. However, it is too late to react as the young boy is smashed under the foot of a giant creature. Off in the distance, a villainous laugh can be heard.
The movie then cuts to Earth as a bank robbery is taking place. The bank robbers are getting away when Great Saiyaman, Gohan’s superhero alter ego, stops the car with his foot and smashes the front end flinging the felons out the car to confront Great Saiyaman II, Videl’s superhero alias (She is called the Great Saiyawoman in the English dub). They apprehend the felons and turn them in to the police, all the while being spied on by some strange old man in the shadows. A short while later, they are summoned again from their school to rescue an old man who wants to commit suicide. When Gohan and Videl arrive on the scene, they discover that he is the same man who had been spying on them. After rescuing him, the old man introduces himself as Hoi and tells the two about the legendary warrior Tapion and that he needs their help in releasing him from the music box he is being held in, as the Earth would be endangered if he were not released. Gohan tries to open the box with his massive strength but to no avail. The old man tells them he knows of the Dragon Balls, and advises the couple to use them to open the box. They agree to bring the box to Bulma’s home first to see if there was another way to open the mysterious box, not knowing that Hoi had other plans on his mind.
They arrive at Bulma’s house with Goku, Goten, and Krillin. After analyzing the box, Goku tries his hand at opening the box but he cannot open it either. So it is decided to gather the Dragon Balls and summon Shenron to see if he can open it. After summoning Shenron, Tapion is released and the music box shatters into pieces. Angry at the fact that he was released, Tapion demands that he be resealed in the box, impossible due to the damage done by his emergence. A furious Tapion storms off, determined to stay alone in order to hide the fact he was holding the upper half of the creature called the Hirudegarn in his body. He isolates himself in a dilapidated building. The warrior is visited regularly by Trunks, who has taken a liking to him and brings him food, but Tapion refuses to eat and rebuffs Trunks' attempts to bond with him. Trunks only becomes more determined to crack the loner's icy exterior, as he sees in Tapion what Goten has in Gohan, something he never had (and presumably lost when Gohan started dating Videl): an older brother.
Shortly after Tapion is released, Hirudegarn's lower half starts to wreck West City. Gohan and Videl arrive at the scene to investigate, but shortly after they arrive, they are almost swept away by the monster's tail. They execute their Great Saiyaman poses, however Hirudegarn's legs are not impressed; he throws the two heroes to opposite sides of the street. Gohan, with Videl's support, immediately counter-attacks. After the short battle, Videl thinks Gohan has won, but Gohan says it isn't over yet. Tapion comes to aid Gohan and Videl by playing a magical tune on his ocarina, weakening Hirudegarn's bottom half, causing it to vanish. Leaving the battlefield, Tapion comes to believe that Hoy has already killed Minosha, Tapion’s younger brother.
Later on, while Trunks is again visiting Tapion, Hoy attempts to steal the ocarina from Tapion. Hoy is confronted by Trunks. The devious Hoy tells Trunks that Tapion is the true monster. The young Saiyan doesn't believe him, and instead gives the instrument back to Tapion. Tapion then befriends Trunks, and asks him to dine with him. Tapion is invited by Trunks to stay at Capsule Corporation. While there, Tapion explains the whole story to Bulma.
Tapion starts his story beginning thousands of years ago. On Konack, a planet in the southern galaxy of the universe, a group of black magicians, the Kash-phar, use a spell on a statue to bring the monster it depicted to life. The monster, Hirudegarn, goes on a rampage and kills everyone who tries to get in his way, devastating the planet. Two young heroes, Tapion and his brother Minosha, manage to freeze the monster in his tracks by each playing their divine ocarina, giving a priest the opportunity to cut the monster in half with a divine sword. Since Hirudegarn can't be killed at the time, his upper-half is sealed in Tapion and the other half in Minosha. However, fearing that the monster might reappear someday, the brothers are separated, each sealed in a music box, and shot into opposite ends of the galaxy. The music box holding Tapion lands on Earth. Soon after, Hoy, one of the Kash-phar, becomes determined to resurrect the monster to rule the universe. He releases Hirudegarn's lower half on a distant planet and easily disposes of Minosha, with the monster crushed the young warrior underfoot. Now on Earth, Hoy plans to unite the Hirudegarn’s body and release the creature on Earth.
After hearing Tapion’s story, Bulma decides to create a room based on the broken music box design and the music the ocarina produces so that Tapion can finally rest.
Tapion tries sleeping inside the new chamber, but he has a terrible nightmare that causes him to destroy the chamber. At the same time, Hirudegarn's lower half is once again wreaking havoc, as he draws many men and women into his tail to devour their life energy. The next morning Goku, Gohan, Goten, and Videl arrive at Bulma’s house to inspect the destroyed chamber. Tapion appears suddenly, warning everyone the lower half of the creature is on the loose. To stop the creature from uniting its body he asks the group to kill him, in turn killing the creature’s upper half. Then however Hoy and the lower half of the Hirudegarn appear to stop anyone from killing Tapion. When Tapion is about to play the tone from the ocarina, the power of the lower half being so close to Tapion causes the upper half in Tapion’s body to react and release itself. Hoy succeeds in his plans, and with the monster back together, he believes nothing can stop him. A battle begins. Goten transforms into his Super Saiyan form, Goku transforms into his Super Saiyan 2 form, and Gohan powers up to his Ultimate Gohan form to do battle. They launch their counterattack, but are quickly beaten since the monster can easily dodge by teleporting and countering their attacks. Gohan is grabbed and just before he is about to be squeezed into a pulp by Hirudegarn, Vegeta saves him by firing a ki blast at Hirudegarn's arm and proceeds to fight. He transforms into a Super Saiyan 2. After a brief fight Vegeta is thrown into a nearby building but is knocked out after he saves the people in the building from Hirudegarn's flame attack by using all his powers to create a barrier strong enough to withstand the attack. Goku comes in to help but still is unable to beat the monster and is knocked out. Goten and Trunks become Gotenks with the Fusion Dance. Gotenks, now a Super Saiyan 3, seems to be enough to fight the monster and fires his Die Die Missile Barrage attack at the monster. Hirudegarn is believed to be dead or at least neutralized but the attack only causes him to evolve into his second, more powerful form. Now in his new insect-like form, Hirudegarn mows Gotenks down to the ground and splits Gotenks back into Goten and Trunks. Gohan and Videl are then thrown into a building and Goku into some rubble. However, Goku isn't out and keeps on fighting with all his might.
Just then, Tapion plays the ocarina again and manages to seal Hirudegarn inside himself. He then asks Trunks to kill him with his own sword, which will destroy the trapped monster. Trunks hesitates at first, but is about to do as requested when Hirudegarn breaks free. His ocarina is destroyed in the process. Hoy (who's been watching the whole fight) mocks Tapion for being so foolish, but is killed as Hirudegarn steps on and crushes him. Just then Goku reappears in his powerful Super Saiyan 3 form and a battle begins between Goku and the Hirudegarn. Nevertheless, Trunks tries to fight Hirudegarn too with Tapion's sword and manages to cut off the monster's tail, but Goku stops Trunks. Gohan yells at Goku about the weakness of the Hirudegarn which Goku has already seen and uses his Dragon Fist to pierce through Hirudegarn, obliterating the monster.
With the monster gone for good, Tapion uses Bulma's time machine to go back to his own planet, after giving his sword to Trunks.