Sunday, May 31, 2009
Yamcha's Abilities
Though Yamcha is a skilled swordsman[33][34][35] he is an exceptional martial artist.[36] His signature technique is the Rogafūfūken, literally "Wolf Fang Wind Fist" (Wolf Fang Fist in the English dub), a quick flurry of punches and kicks.[37] Yamcha uses the technique often during the Dragon Ball anime, though by Dragon Ball Z, he appears to have discarded its use. He has the ability to perform the Kamehameha, a concentrated beam of a chi energy blast that many other characters in the series have the ability to perform as well.[38] Yamcha also uses the Sôkidan, literally "Manipulated Energy Bullet" (Spirit Ball in the English dub), a technique that forms a ball of chi energy to assault an opponent with. He can fully control the ball, allowing it to home in on enemies and to go underground for a surprise attack.[39] He also possesses superhuman strength, speed and reflexes. Unable to keep the pace with the rest of the Z warriors, Yamucha retired from fighting twice; the first time to play professional baseball after the first death of Son Goku, and the second time after his near-death experience fighting against androids #19 and #20. In spite of this, Yamucha is arguably one of the strongest human beings alive.
Like other characters in the series, Yamcha has the ability of flight, which he uses many times throughout the story.
Yamcha's Appearance
Yamacha's Creation and conception
Yamcha (ヤムチャ, Yamucha?) is a fictional character from the Dragon Ball universe created by Akira Toriyama. He is introduced as an outlaw and started out as an antagonist of Son Goku's; he eventually reforms, becoming an ally and Z Fighter. His constant companion is Puar. His seiyū is Tōru Furuya. In the English dub, he is voiced by Ted Cole and later Christopher Sabat.[2]
Trunks's Abilities
Trunks is an impressive fighter who can exhibit superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, and energy waves. All of which can be utilized by the use of chi. His most well known techniques are the Finishing Buster (フィニッシュバスター, Finisshu Basutā?) and Burning Attack (バーニングアタック, Bāningu Atakku?) which is known for high speed arm movements before execution.[8] His main means of conveyance is a technique called buku-jutsu (舞空術, lighter than air?) which gives him the ability of flight.[9] However, Trunks does not rely on this techinque as his only conveyance as he can also be seen piloting various crafts manufactured by his family's company including the time machine which allowed him to visit Goku in the past.[10]
Both incarnations can at least transform into basic Super Saiyan although their achievement of this form differs between incarnation. Future Trunks achieved this in his early teens but even this varies in media. In the TV special he would ascend after observing the body of the recently deceased Future Gohan.[11] Whereas, In the manga, he is shown to be a Super Saiyan for some time.[5] Present Trunks would be shown to have the ability at the age of eight.[12] In the Cell saga, Trunks would gain the ability ascend to 2nd and 3rd Super Saiyan grades[13] during his training with Vegeta in the Room of Time and Mind. Unfortunately, these forms would decrease his speed greatly and so he would abandon them after his first initial fight with Cell.[14]
As a child, Present Trunks could fuse (or merge) with Goten to become the powerful being named Gotenks; this is through the Metamorese technique called the Fusion Dance, which was taught to them by Goku.[15][16] In this temporal form they could achieve Super Saiyan 3 with ease, a feat that was very difficult for Goku to achieve and maintain.[17]
Trunks is also known for his use of his longsword which he keeps mounted across his back. Many fans often mistake this sword for the legendary Z-Sword due their similar appearance. As a child, Present Trunks was supposedly given the sword as a gift by the warrior Tapion after the monster Hirudegarn was defeated in the film Wrath of the Dragon.[18] However it is unknown how Future Trunks come to possess it as the story has never been chronicled by Toriyama or Toei Animation. In GT the sword was only featured in the opening introduction to the series, but was not used in any episodes. Ironically, in an early concept lithograph for GT by Toriyama, Trunks is pictured brandishing a pistol instead.[19] Present Trunks can also be seen wielding the sword in the opening introduction to the video game Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout.
Present Trunks
Trunks' second incarnation would make his appearance as an infant in chapter 337 Tsudō Super Senshi-tachi (集う超戦士たち, Super Warriors Assemble?), published on August 26, 1991.[7] In this part of the story, he was only featured as a background character to provide consistency and continuity to the story. When he was eight, Trunks participated in 25th Tenkaichi Budokai and defeated Son Goten in the junior division. Eager to compete in the adult division, he and Goten together posed as the fighter Mighty Mask and were pitted against #18 in a battle royal. But unfortunately they were disqualified when #18 blew their cover, revealing that they were really two people.
Upon the arrival of Majin Buu in chapter 460 and episode 231, Trunks was forced to train with Goten in the Room of Time and Mind to become the super warrior Gotenks. Gotenks fought Buu, first in the time dimension, then in the real world until the thirty minute fusion time limit expired. Through Buu's treachery they, along with Piccolo, were absorbed by Buu, thus increasing Buu's power. Once freed, Trunks, along with Goten, Gohan, and Piccolo were killed when Kid Buu destroyed the Earth. After being resurrected, Trunks helped to rally the people on Earth to support Goku's Super Genki Dama in his defeat of Buu. At the end of the series, Trunks, now grown up, participated in the 28th Tenkaichi Budokai against the fighter Otokosuki in Chapters 518-519.
By the GT series, a 23 year old Trunks would accompany Goku and Pan into space to recover the Black Star Dragon Balls. Within episodes 2-15, They would have many strange encounters and meet many unusual characters including the robot named Giru who would act as the gang's Dragon Radar. Upon arriving on Giru's home world the Machine Planet M2 in episode 16, the trio would be hijacked by Dr. Myu's robots and Trunks would be solidified in living metal for study. Ironically, the contents of the plate was not really Trunks, but a cleverly made decoy by both Trunks and Giru. Trunks would use the opportunity to uncover Dr. Myu's plan, which was to awaken Baby, and sabotage the process. Unfortunately Trunks' plan failed as Baby had managed to escape to Earth, When they returned home Baby had managed to possess Vegeta becoming "Baby Vegeta" and brainwash everyone else into becoming his followers. Shortly after arriving, Trunks would also fall victim to Baby's mind control and battle Goku. He along with everyone else would be freed on new planet Plant. By episode 41 Trunks had managed to become the CEO of Capsule Corporation. But he would not take the job seriously. During the Super 17 saga, he along with Goten would travel the globe fighting the villains that escaped from Hell. He would help battle Omega Shenron and help power-up Goku's Super Saiyan 4 form.
Future Trunks
The first and most identified incarnation of the character that readers and viewers get to see would come to be known production wise as Future Trunks (未来のトランクス, Mirai no Torankusu?, Trunks of the Future). This incarnation first appeared in the manga chapter 331 Nazo no Shōnen (謎の少年, The Young Boy of Mystery?) first published in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine on July 15, 1991.[4] Here he is a mysterious seventeen year old who appears and singlehandedly kills Frieza and his father King Cold. Upon Goku's return from planet Namek in the following chapter, Trunks would confide with Goku and unknowingly to Piccolo (Due to his acute Namekkian hearing) his tragic story.
As told in flashbacks in the anime series, the stand alone manga story Trunks the Story: A Warrior All Alone (トランクスザストーリー -たったひとりの戦士-, Trunks za Sutōrī -Tatta Hitori no Senshi-?),[5] the TV special History of Trunks, and the third side story Lonely Future Warrior!! Trunks (孤独の未来戦士!! トランクス, Kodoku no Mirai Senshi!! Torankusu?),[6] Trunks had traveled from twenty years in the future where the world was in constant ruin due to the terror of the two artificial humans #17 and #18. By this time Goku had succumbed to an unknown heart virus and rest of the Z warriors, with the exception of Gohan, had fallen at the hands of the artificial humans. Trunks, at the age of thirteen, was living with Future Bulma and secretly training with Future Gohan. After Gohan's inevitable death, Trunks would assume the mantel of Earth's sole protector against the artificial humans for the next three years. But even he would be no match against them. Fortunately, Bulma had been working on a time machine that could help change history. Once he had informed Goku of the events to come, Trunks gives Goku a special vaccine and return to his own time.
Trunks would return to help the present day Z warriors battle the artificial humans, in chapter 346 and episode 131. With appearance of Cell, Trunks would train with Vegeta in the Room of Time and Mind (Hyperbolic Time Chamber in English media). After Vegeta's defeat, Trunks would fight Cell in his newly gained Perfect state. But Trunks' 3rd Super Saiyan grade proved to be ineffective so he willfully concedes. He would participate in the Cell Games and be mortally wounded by Cell immediately following his ascension to "Beyond Perfection". Afterwards, he would return to his own timeline in the future and defeat the artificial humans and Cell within his time in chapters 419-420 and episodes 193.
He would appear one more time in the ninth Dragon Ball Z film Bojack Unbound to participate in the special Tenkaichi Budokai sponsored by Mr. X.S. Cash. Here he would unwillingly fight Bojack's henchman Gokua.
Trunks's Appearance
Trunks has a slender muscular physique with his most dominate genes coming from his maternal side, thus resulting in his having blue eyes and lavender colored hair which is mostly shown in the undercut style.[2] During his early teens, this style was parted on his right side and his late teens it was parted in the middle. As he is half human, his hair tends to grow. Because of this, he wore his hair in an over the shoulders style during Cell Games arc. The color caused some confusion among the others characters that met him as Vegeta pointed out in chapter 139 and episode 120 a Saiyan's hair color is generally black.[3]
His facial features are nearly identical to his father's as pointed out by Bulma when awaiting Goku's return in the aforementioned chapter and episode.[3] Trunks can transform into a Super Saiyan which causes his hair to spike on end and takes on a golden color and his eyes a Turquoise or green color.
Trunks is also known for his unique fashion sense. When the character was first introduced he wore a cropped jacket that was steel blue in the manga and han purple in the anime with a Capsule Corporation patch on his upper left sleeve that was red in the manga and white in the anime. Along with a black tanktop and baggy gray pants. During the Cell games arc he wore a pair of Saiyan battle fatigues identical to his father which was made by Bulma. As a child during the Majin Buu saga he wore a green gi with matching orange belt and wrist bands. In the GT series he wore a tan blazer, a blue kerchief over a black longsleve shirt which matched his blue socks, and a pair of cuffed khaki shorts. Ironically he has worn the same type of shoes with all three outfits which are a pair of boot length strapped sneakers that feature dark colored segments on the toe and heel.
Bulma's Personality
Bulma's personality is like the typical female characters in Toriyama's stories; nagging and temperamental. Bulma at first is identical to the image of a pampered city girl for most of the series; arrogant and adventurous, but afraid of being alone. Her arrogance can be seen to stem from her intellect; Bulma is most recognized for her fierce determination to get what she wants, and can be viewed as reckless in those quests. Bulma is well known for her intellectual approach to situations and her sexiness. Master Roshi frequently harasses her. She is also very proud of her abilities and can be very cantankerous when slighted, which may indicate a similar approach with other men. Throughout the series, Bulma goes through many life-threatening situations and is often a damsel-in-distress, needing the protection of Goku and the others.
Bulma mellows out as the series continues in the present timeline, ultimately befriending Vegeta and helping him adapt to Earth. Initially depicted to support Goku, whom she affectionately calls Son-kun, her relationship with Vegeta and his rivalry with Goku sparks a friendly rivalry with Chi Chi, but she manages to remain one of Goku's strongest supporters due to their long friendship.
Bulma's Appearance
Bulma's appearance in the anime differs slightly than her appearance in the manga. In the manga, her hair is usually depicted in a shade of fuchsia, while in the anime and the first chapter of the manga, her hair is a shade of turquoise. Her hair in the film Dragon Ball: The Path to Power is changed to the manga color for unknown reasons.
Bulma's appearance in the series is not as consistent as the other characters as she quite often changes her hair style and clothing. Bulma has also been seen topless, in several chapters and one episode. She is the only female character in the entire Dragon Ball series to appear topless. In most editions of the episode in question the scene is censored.
Bulma's role as an inventor becomes important at several points in the series. Several of her creations were major to various plotlines, including a microband that could make her shrink, the time machine that brought her son Trunks to the past during Dragon Ball Z and the generator that allowed her husband Vegeta to achieve Super Saiyan 4 in Dragon Ball GT.
Krillin's Abilities
Krillin's Appearance
Krillin (クリリン, Kuririn?) is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball manga, authored by Akira Toriyama, and later adapted to anime.
Krillin is introduced in Dragon Ball as a rival of the main character, Son Goku. Later in the series, he can also be seen having a close relationship with Goku, as well as his child, Son Gohan. Krillin eventually settles down and marries Android #18 after the Cell Games to have a child named Maron.[3]
The character's name comes from the musical instrument piccolo. Around the start of the Frieza Saga, it's revealed that Piccolo's name means "another world" in the Namekian language.[3]

Vegeta's Abilities
Vegeta has the ability to create and enhance attacks with the use of chi. Vegeta has the ability to use buku-jutsu (舞空術, lighter than air?) which enables him to fly.[3] Constant training and his Saiyan heritage have given him superhuman strength, speed and reflexes.[3]
Vegeta is known to give names for his various energy attacks. In his early appearance, Vegeta is seen to use attacks similar to several of the protagonists of the series, such as a ki disk (気円斬, kien ki?), a two fingered laser-like blast, and a chi wave similar to Goku's Kamehameha blast. This beam known as the Garlic Gun (ギャリック砲, Gyarikku Hō?, renamed Galick Gun in the English dub) is used by Vegeta during his battle against Goku in an attempt to destroy the Earth.[3] The Galick Gun is the main attack used by Vegeta in most Dragon Ball Z video games although he uses it only once in the manga. Vegeta later develops the Big Bang Attack (ビッグ・バン・アタック, Biggu Ban Atakku?) and the Final Flash (ファイナルフラッシュ, Fainaru Furasshu?) attacks, which are much more powerful than his older energy attacks.[4][5] Vegeta's most commonly used attack in the series is when he bombards an opponent with an array of small chi blasts. Vegeta is not known to have a name for this attack, but it is officially called Renzoku Energy Dan (連続エネルギー弾?). Also in Dragon Ball GT he displays a powerful new attack entitling it the Final Shine Attack (ファイナルシャインアタック, Fainaru Shain Atakku?), where Vegeta uses his right hand to fire off a massive beam of green chi that widens with distance.
Vegeta also possesses several transformations that greatly enhance his abilities to varying degrees. Early in the series, he has the ability to become an Oozaru, which increases his power tenfold, so long as he still has his tail. He gains the ability to transform into a Super Saiyan and, through training, can further transform into advanced states of Super Saiyan as the series continues, including Super Saiyan 2nd Grade and Super Saiyan 2.[4][5][6] While he was not able to achieve Super Saiyan 3, in Dragon Ball GT, he reaches Super Saiyan 4.
Vegeta can also fuse with Goku and create a warrior who has the combined power and skills of both. One method is by using the Potara Earrings presented to Goku by the Elder Kai. This results in a 'perfect fusion' creating Vegetto. The other method is by performing the Metamorese Fusion Dance, which creates Gogeta.
Vegeta's Personality
When he first appears in the series, Vegeta is arrogant and selfish, having a fierce desire for immortality and galactic rule. He is also vicious and cares for nobody but himself, which is shown when he dispatched his comrade Nappa for failing to defeat Goku. Vegeta's plans are thwarted by Goku. Because of Vegeta's overwhelming pride and ego, being defeated by someone who he considered inferior transforms his character into a jealous and vengeful anti-hero. By the end of the series, Vegeta's bitter rivalry with Goku softens when he comes to respect Goku as an ally and even a friend.
Vegeta's priorities can be seen to gradually change as the series progresses, though one facet remains constant: his rivalry with Goku is fuelled by Goku's ability to stay ahead of him in power. Because of this, Vegeta is seen to pursue an insane desire to surpass Goku in strength, but whenever he seems to train and continually push himself harder than Goku does, he can never close the gap between him and Goku permanently.
Vegeta's Appearance
Information about DBZ characters
Tien Shinhan
Tien Shinhan (天津飯, Tenshinhan?, nicknamed Tien), known as Shinto in the Harmony Gold dub, is first introduced in chapter 113 of the manga series.[7] Initially an enemy of Goku who was trained by Roshi's rival the Crane Hermit, Tien soon makes peace with Goku and becomes a Z Fighter. Accompanied by his friend Chiaotzu, Tien enters the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament[8] and faces Goku, who proves to be a more than worthy opponent. Eventually, after Goku survives every attack thrown at him, Tien destroys the arena with his Kikohou, but Goku jumps into the air and uses his Kamehameha to slam himself into Tien. Both fighters fall down to the ground, but Goku is hit by a passing car, causing him to land on the ground first, which makes Tien the winner. Afterwards, Tien and Chiaotzu become allies of Goku. He participated in the battle against the Saiyans in Dragon Ball Z, in which he is killed by Nappa, along with Chiaotzu, Yamcha and Piccolo. The four of them are trained by King Kai and later revived by Porunga. Tien also participated in the battles against Cell and Majin Buu.
Tien is bald and has three eyes, the third placed on his forehead. The third eye is from becoming enlightened.[9] When Toriyama began creating the Dragon Ball series, he used Wu Cheng'en's Journey to the West as a prototype for his own work.[10] Tien's three eyed physical characteristic resembles the story character Erlang Shen, and both are warriors who were originally adversaries of the main character.[11] His outfits change consistently as the series goes on, and he usually doesn't wear a shirt when fighting. Hirotaka Suzuoki voices him in the Japanese version, while he is voiced by Chris Cason (third season only) and John Burgmeier (fourth season onwards) in the Funimation dub and Matt Smith in the Ocean Group dub.
Goten (孫 悟天, Son Goten?) is the second and final child of Goku, the series' protagonist. First introduced in the 230 chapter of the manga,[12] Goten resembles his father in appearance, with the same hair-style and similar clothing. In chapter 324, Toriyama changes his appearance to avoid confusion with Goku to include a shirt bearing his name, and a longer, shaggier hairstyle.[13] Goten is trained by his older brother Son Gohan in preparation for the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, which their father would be attending. During the training, Gohan discovered Goten could become a Super Saiyan.[14] He also possesses the Kamehameha, a technique that concentrates chi energy and is released into a powerful beam.[15]
In order to save the world from the villain Majin Buu, Goku and Piccolo teach Goten and Trunks the "Fusion" technique, which allows them to transform into a single powerful warrior, Gotenks. Gotenks battles Buu multiple times but even when he transforms into a Super Saiyan 3 he is unable to defeat Buu. Buu temporarily absorbs Gotenks, increasing his own power, but Vegeta and Goku are able to retrieve them from Buu. When Buu destroys the Earth in the 312 chapter, Goten and Trunks are killed.[16] The Dragon Balls later bring Goten back to life along with the rest of the Earth in order to give energy to Goku's Super Spirit Bomb attack, which defeats Buu.[17] Goten then returns to a normal life on Earth.
Masako Nozawa voices Goten in Japanese, while he is voiced by Kara Edwards (as a child) and Robert McCollum (as an adult) in the English version.
Cell (セル, Seru?) is the ultimate creation of Dr. Gero. He is an artificial life form created using the cells of several characters from the series, including Goku, Piccolo and Frieza. As a result, Cell is able to perform techniques such as the Kamehameha, a powerful energy blast which he gains from the cells of Goku.[18] In creating the character of Cell, Toriyama tried many different designs before finally settling on the one used in the series. Cell evolves several times throughout his appearances. He originally evolves from a cocoon-like form into his first "Imperfect Form", which is insect-like in appearance. Both his first form and his second "Semi-Perfect Form" have a tail that ends in a stinger-like appendage and allows it to absorb other organisms.[19] The tail recedes under his wings in his final "Perfect Form", and he can use it to spawn Cell Jr. (セルジュニア, Seru Junia?), which are minuscule child-like versions of himself.
Requiring androids #17 and #18 to evolve, he finds out that they are already dead in his timeline, so he kills the Trunks of his timeline and uses Trunks' time machine to travel back in time. He eventually absorbs both after many battles and ascends to his final form.[20][21] He decides to hold the "Cell Games", a tournament in which he fights against the Earth's fighters until there are none left, resulting in Earth's destruction.[22] Cell manages to defeat Goku, but he is eventually killed by a Super Saiyan 2 Gohan with one arm.[23] Cell appears in Hell in Dragon Ball Z, and makes a few appearances in Dragon Ball GT. Norio Wakamoto voices him in the Japanese anime, Dameon Clarke in the Funimation dub, and Dale Wilson in the Canadian English dub.
Majin Buu
Secondary characters
Android #17
Android #17 (人造人間17号, Jinzōningen Jū Nana Gō?, Artificial Human #17) is a human forcefully turned into a cyborg by Gero along with his sister, #18. The two are released by Gero as a last resort, but they turn on their creator and quickly kill him instead. They begin to travel in order to find and kill Goku, coming into contact with the Z Fighters several times. In Future Trunks' timeline, he is a mass murderer who is later killed by Trunks. #17 returns one last time in Dragon Ball GT, when he fuses with a new #17 created by Doctors Gero and Myu in order to become the Super Android #17, who is finally defeated by Goku and #18. He is voiced by Shigeru Nakahara in Japan, Ted Cole in the Ocean Group dub, and Chuck Huber in the Funimation dub.
Android #18 (人造人間18号, Jinzōningen Jū Hachi Gō?, Artificial Human #18) is a human forcefully turned into a cyborg along with her brother, #17.[24] After being released by Gero, she travels with #16 and #17 in order to kill Goku, though they are interrupted by Cell and the Z Fighters several times. She and #17 are eventually absorbed by Cell, but later during the Cell Games, a hard blow from Gohan causes Cell to regurgitate her. Though Krillin is unable to wish for her to be turned into a human, he is able to have her self destruct device removed.[25] Krillin later pursues #18 and, at some point, they marry and have a daughter named Marron.[26] In Future Trunks' timeline, she is a mass murderer who is later killed by Trunks. She is voiced by Miki Itō in Japan, Enuka Okuma in the Ocean Group dub, and Meredith McCoy in the Funimation dub.
Babidi (バビディ, Babidi?) is the son of Bibidi, the creator of Majin Buu. After Buu is sealed and his father is killed, he sets out to resurrect Buu to help him conquer the universe. Babidi manages to take over the minds of many strong warriors in order to help him achieve his goal, including Demon King Dabura, alien warrior Pui Pui, light-devouring monster named Yakon, and two muscle-bound humans, Yamu and Spopovitch. Babidi uses them to collect energy for Buu's revival, and later enlists Vegeta to help him, though Vegeta is able to ignore his orders. After Buu is revived, Babidi manages to control him with the threat of resealing him, though after being manipulated by Goku, Buu turns on him and shatters his head with a single punch. He later appears in Hell, cheering Goku and Vegeta on during their fight with Kid Buu, and then in Dragon Ball GT, when various villains escape from Hell. He is voiced Jōji Yanami in Japan, Duncan Brannan in the Funimation dub, and Terry Klassen in the Ocean Group dub.
Chiaotzu (餃子, Chaozu?) is a small human that resembles a doll with white skin, red cheeks, and one hair under his hat. Though he is not physically strong, he is skilled with psychokinesis and telepathy. He first studies under the Crane Hermit with his close friend, Tien Shinhan. After Tien realizes that the Crane Hermit's teachings are wrong, the two leave him and join with Goku and his companions. He continues to support Tien throughout the series, even going as far as self-destructing on Nappa in order to attempt to save him. After the fight with the Saiyans, Chiaotzu no longer becomes involved in battle. He is voiced by Hiroko Emori in Japan, Cathy Weseluck in the Ocean Group dub, and Monika Antonelli in the Funimation dub.
Chi Chi (チチ?), known as Chi-Chi in the Viz manga, Chichi in Japanese versions, and Milk in Latin-American TV, is the wife of Goku and the mother of Gohan and Son Goten. She is very protective over the well being of her family, and wishes to remove them from Goku's lifestyle of fighting and constant conflict. She attempts to have Gohan focus on studying during his childhood, but this is interrupted by the constant threats to Earth. She later relaxes with Goten, even training him herself. As the daughter of the Ox-King, she is very strong in her own right, having easily made it to the quarter-finals of the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai. She and Goku first meet as children, and Goku promises to marry her, thinking marriage is a kind of food. She later confronts him to have him fulfill the promise, despite the misunderstanding. She is voiced by Mayumi Shō and Naoko Watanabe in Japan, and Laura Bailey and Cynthia Cranz in the Funimation dub. Chi Chi is played by Jamie Chung in the live-action film Dragonball Evolution.
Dende (デンデ, Dende?) is a Namekian child saved from Dodoria by Gohan and Krillin.[27] He later gains the power to heal after having his power unlocked, which he uses to aid the warriors fighting Frieza until he is killed by the tyrant. After being revived, he lives on New Namek until he is asked by Goku to replace Kami as Earth's guardian and revive the Dragon Balls. He accepts and continues to serve as the guardian throughout the rest of the series. He is very close to Piccolo, who fused with his friend Nail on Namek. He is voiced by Tomiko Suzuki in Japan and Ceyli Delgadillo, Laura Bailey and Justin Cook in the Funimation dub.
Hercule, known as Mr. Herculese Satan in Funimation's VHS dubbed release of the "Great Saiyaman" episodes,[28] and as Mr. Satan (ミスター・サタン, Misutā Satan?) in Japanese versions and Funimation's uncut releases, is a flamboyant martial artist that becomes a world renowned hero after the Cell Games. After Goku and his companions stop attending the World Tournaments, Hercule starts winning them and becomes the reigning champion for many years. During the Cell Games, he attempts to fight Cell, but even after being swatted away, he is given credit for Cell's death by the media. He is soon called a world hero, gaining great wealth and a city named after him. Though Goku and his companions find his inflated ego and arrogance very annoying, he becomes close to them after befriending the good Majin Buu, helping defeat Kid Buu by using his appeal to get energy from all of the individuals on Earth for the Spirit Bomb, and his daughter, Videl, marries Gohan. He is voiced by Daisuke Gōri in Japan, Don Brown in the Ocean Group dub, and Chris Rager in the Funimation dub.
Kami (神様, Kami Sama?) is the guardian residing over the Earth for much of the series. He is the good half of an unnamed Namekian that had to split himself in order to become guardian. The evil half, Piccolo Daimao was later sealed away by humans. After Piccolo Daimao is unleashed and killed by Goku, he spawns a much stronger reincarnation, Piccolo. Seeing a threat, Kami decides to attempt to seal away the new Piccolo in the World Martial Arts Tournament, possessing a human named Shen (dubbed Hero in the English anime) as a guise, but the plan backfires on him. After Goku defeats Piccolo, he eventually reforms, and much later during the Cell saga, Kami agrees to merge and rejoin Piccolo to stand a chance against Cell and the Androids. He is voiced by Takeshi Aono in Japan, Michael Dobson and Dale Wilson in the Ocean Group dub, and Christopher Sabat in the Funimation dub.
King Kai
King Kai, also known as Lord of the Worlds (界王様, Kaiō-sama?) and North Kai (北の界王, Kita no Kaiō?), is the Kai of the northern quadrant of the galaxy. His companion is a pet monkey named Bubbles and in the anime he also has a flying grasshopper[citation needed] companion named Gregory. King Kai trains fighters allowed to keep their bodies if they manage to reach his small planet at the end of Snake Way. Before training any students, he forces them to appeal to his strange sense of humor, catch Bubbles, and hit Gregory with a mallet.[29] He provides Goku with martial arts training and two of his own techniques, the Genki Dama and the Kaio-ken, which King Kai was never able to master. He continues to help Goku and his friends throughout the series, lending his planet locating and telecommunicating abilities for their use. When Goku brings a self-destructing Cell to his planet, the explosion kills King Kai and destroys his planet. As he is already in the Other World, he only gains a halo and in the anime he appears to settle down on Grand Kai's planet. He is voiced by Joji Yanami in Japan, Don Brown in the Ocean Group dub, and Sean Schemmel in the Funimation dub.
Master Roshi
Master Roshi, known in Japanese versions as Kame Sen'nin (亀仙人, Kame Sennin?) and Muten Rōshi (武天老師?), is an ancient and wise martial arts master and the first Earthling to wield the Kamehameha. Though he seems frail, he is a mighty warrior, having trained Grandpa Gohan, Ox King, Son Goku, and others. He is a stock character, as he is both the archetypal wise old man and dirty old man, the latter being typical of shōnen manga. Still, he is depicted to be a very wise and gentle person, who loves life and its simple pleasures, but is willing to die if necessary, such as when performing the Mafuba technique (Evil Containment Wave in the English dub) against Piccolo Daimao.[30] Sometimes he gets cranky, which further provides comic relief. He is bald, with a thick van dyke beard and wears sunglasses. Roshi wears beach clothes or martial arts suits and, during the earlier stages of the series, a turtle shell on his back. He usually wields a walking stick. When wishing to act anonymously, Roshi sometimes uses the name Jackie Chun.
Roshi was originally voiced by Kōhei Miyauchi. Miyauchi's final acting session before he died was for episode 260 of Dragon Ball Z, which he recorded only 3 months before his death. The episode aired on March 15, 1995. In his final line, he yells out "Kuririn!", and is turned into a bar of chocolate by Majin Buu shortly afterwards. Since episode 288 of Dragon Ball Z, Roshi is voiced by Hiroshi Masuoka, who voices him throughout Dragon Ball GT, and in the recent video games, such as Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi. In the 10th anniversary special he is voiced by Kinya Aikawa, and Masaharu Satō voiced him in movie 13. In the Funimation dub, he is voiced by Mike McFarland. He is portrayed by Chow Yun-Fat in the live-action film Dragonball Evolution.
Oolong (ウーロン, Ūron?) is a shapeshifting, anthropomorphic pig that uses his abilities for his own greedy desires. He was expelled from shapeshifting training for stealing the teacher's underwear, so he lacks the ability to change his form for more than five minutes at a time without a break. He joins with Goku to search for the Dragon Balls and eventually steal them, but he abandons his plans. In Dragon Ball Z, he is often in the company of Roshi. He is voiced by Naoki Tatsuta in Japan, Doug Parker and Scott Mcneil in the Ocean Group dub, and Mark Britten and Bradford Jackson in the Funimation dub.
Pan (パン?) is the granddaughter of Goku. Pan's ancestry comes from both humans, and the extraterrestrials called the Saiyans, which becomes the primary race throughout the Dragon Ball galaxies. Pan is the daughter of the first Saiyan Human hybrid to appear in the series, Gohan, and his human wife Videl. In the Japanese anime, she was voiced by Yuko Minaguchi. In the English versions of DBZ, she is voiced by Kate Bristol in the Funimation dub and Brenna O'Brien in the Ocean Group dub. In the English versions of Dragon Ball GT, she is voiced by Elise Baughman in the Funimation dub and Caitlynne Medrek in the Blue Water dub.
Piccolo Daimao
Piccolo Daimao (ピッコロ大魔王, Pikkoro Daimaō?), known as King Piccolo in the English dubs and Demon King Piccolo in the Viz manga, is the evil half of the Namekian that removed his evil in order to become the guardian of the Earth; this negative energy took on a physical form, becoming a cast-off being. He and the good half, Kami, are linked, so if one dies, the other also will die. After being formed, he designates himself as the Great Demon King and begins to terrorize the world. He is eventually imprisoned by Mutaito, the master of Roshi, in a rice cooker for centuries by the suicidal Evil Containment Wave. After being released by Emperor Pilaf, he attempts to kill anyone that could possibly seal him again, uses the Dragon Balls to restore his youth, and takes over the Earth before being confronted by Goku, who, after a long battle, punches a large hole through his abdomen. Before dying, he regurgitates the egg containing his reincarnation, Piccolo Jr., in order to pursue his revenge. He is voiced by Takeshi Aono in Japan, Christopher Sabat in the Funimation dub, and Scott McNeil in the Ocean Group dub. He was played by James Marsters in the live-action film Dragonball Evolution.
Besides Piccolo Jr., Piccolo Daimao creates several offspring in order to help him with his plans. His first offspring, Piano, helps Piccolo formulate his plan until his death. He also creates Tambourine to hunt down the contenders of the World Martial Arts Tournament to keep the sealing technique from resurfacing. Tambourine kills Krillin and beats a weakened Goku, but eventually Goku's Kamehameha vaporizes him. The third, Cymbal, is created to find Dragon Balls, but he is killed and eaten by Yajirobe. The fourth, Drum, is created to battle Tien, who he easily defeats until Goku appears and kills him in one blow. Tambourine is voiced by Ryūsei Nakao in Japan and Dameon Clarke in the English dub; Piano is voiced by Brian Beacock in the English dub; and Drum is voiced by Paul LeBlanc in the English dub.
Puar (プーアル, Pūaru?), known as Pu'ar in the Viz manga and Pu-erh in Japanese versions, is a soft-spoken shapeshifting blue creature and the constant companion of Yamcha. The name is revealed to be a pun on Pu-erh tea.[31] He was designed to slightly resemble a cat.[32] He uses his abilities to shapeshift into anything to help Yamcha rob passersby in the desert. Afterwards, he travels with Yamcha and Goku during Dragon Ball, and continues to live with Yamcha afterwards. He is voiced by Naoko Watanabe in Japan, Cathy Weseluck in the Ocean Group dub, and Monika Antonelli in the Funimation dub.
Shenron (神龍, Shén Lóng?, lit. "God Dragon"), also known as the Eternal Dragon in the Ocean Group and Funimation dubs, Shenlong in the Viz manga, Shen Long in Japanese versions, and the Dragon God in the Harmony Gold dub, is the wish granting dragon summoned when all of Earth's Dragon Balls are gathered. Shenron can bestow any wish as long as it does not exceed the power of his creator, who must be still alive. Shenron cannot bring back a person from the dead more than once. Shenron can originally only grant one wish, but after being revived by Dende, he is able to grant two at a time. Shenron often threatens to kill the summoner if they do not quickly make their wish, but never follows through with it. He is voiced by Kenji Utsumi and Masaharu Satō in Japan, Don Brown in the Ocean Group dub, and Christopher Sabat in the Funimation dub.
Dragon Ball GT introduces the Black Star Shenron, a much larger red Shenron made by Kami when he and Piccolo Daimao were still one entity. He is summoned when the Black Star Dragon Balls are gathered, and can grant any single wish, regardless of any restrictions placed on the other dragons. He is voiced by Daisuke Gori in Japanese versions and Chris Sabat in the English dub.
Supreme Kai
The Kai are the top-tier gods of the Dragon Ball universe. Like the lower-level Kai, there are five Kai. However, rather than each overseeing one quadrant of the main galaxy, the Kai each administer one quadrant of the entire universe.
Shin, the Supreme Kai (東の界王神, Higashi no Kaiōshin?), also known as the Eastern Kai, is the supreme ruler of the Eastern Quadrant of the Universe along with his comrades, the North, West, and South Kai, and their leader the Grand Supreme Kai. After Buu's assault on the four Kai five million years before the events of Dragon Ball Z, he is the only survivor, and continues to watch over the universe. He is always found with his bodyguard, Kibito, who has the ability to heal any injury. He attempts to stop Buu from reviving with the help of Goku and his companions, but ends up failing. He is later permanently fused with Kibito, creating a new being, Kibitoshin. He is voiced by Yūji Mitsuya in Japan and Kent Williams in the Funimation dub.
The Tuffles are a nearly extinct race which used to live on the planet Vegeta but were destroyed by the Saiyans. They play a significant role in the history of the Saiyans. Only two survived who were Dr. Raichi and Baby. The Tuffles are unique to the anime only.
Baby (ベビー, Bebī?) is a parasitic alien supervillain that first appears in the 22nd episode of Dragon Ball GT. Baby was created by combining the DNA of the king of the Tuffles with a cybernetic body. Baby desires to destroy all of the Saiyans to avenge his people. Baby is first reactivated from a sleep state by his creator, Dr. Myu. He attempts to fight Goku, Trunks, and Pan, but is easily defeated. To boost his power, Baby infects various people with his DNA and begins gathering energy from them. After a second defeat at the hands of the three Saiyans, Baby infects Trunks and then goes to Earth. On Earth he battles Son Goten and Son Gohan, infects them both, and is able to infect Vegeta and make him his primary host. Goku, Trunks, and Pan return to Earth to find the entire population is now under Baby's control. Baby is able to defeat Goku, then he begins using the Black Star Dragon Balls to restore the Planet Plant and transport the Earth population to it. During this time, Baby evolves into an even more powerful form and defeats Goku again. This causes Goku to transform into a Super Saiyan 4. In this new form, Goku is able to defeat Baby-Vegeta. He has Bulma, also under his control, fire a radiation beam at him from her Blutz Wave Generator which enables him to transform into a Golden Great Ape. After a lengthy battle, Baby separates from Vegeta and attempts to escape in a spaceship, vowing to return to destroy the Saiyans. Goku blasts the spaceship with a 10x Kamehameha attack, sending it into the sun. The ship is destroyed and Baby is obliterated.
His seiyū is Yusuke Numata and he is voiced by Mike McFarland in the English dub by Funimation.
Dr. Raichi
Dr. Raichi is the main antagonist of the two-part OVA special Dragon Ball Z Gaiden: Saiyajin Zetsumetsu Keikaku. He is a scientist of the Tuffle race and the last of the two of his kind (the other being Baby). After escaping planet Vegeta, he hid on the Dark Planet planning his plot to destroy the remaining Saiyans. To live longer and be stronger, he turned himself into an android. To kill the remaining Saiyans (Goku, Gohan, Vegeta and Trunks), he sent demons which he created to invade Earth and to flood the planet with Destron gas so the fighters' energy attacks would be useless. Also to fight the Saiyans, he created ghosts of Frieza, Cooler, Lord Slug and Turles. He was later killed by Goku on the Dark Planet.
Uub (ウーブ, Ūbu?), known as Oob in the Viz manga and in Japanese versions, is the reincarnation of the evil Majin Buu. After Kid Buu is destroyed, Goku asks him to be reincarnated as a good person, Uub who is born from a small village, so they may battle again. King Yemma overhears the request and complies with it. Goku eventually senses Uub's hidden power, and seeks him out when Uub attends the tournament to gain money for his village. Goku ends up deciding to train him to be Earth's new guardian and as an opponent that he can battle. In Dragon Ball GT, Mr. Buu enters Uub's body, making him into "Majuub" to face threats such as Baby, Super #17, and the Shadow Dragons. He is voiced by Megumi Urawa in Japan and Kara Edwards (Kid Uub) and Sean Teague (Teen Uub) in the FUNimation dub.
Videl (ビーデル, Bīderu?) is the daughter of Hercule. Like her father, she trains in martial arts, even surpassing him in strength.[33] She uses her abilities to fight crime in the city, and after Gohan appears as the Great Saiyaman, she quickly figures out his identity. She uses that to blackmail him into showing her how to fly. After Buu is fully defeated, the two form a relationship, eventually become married, and have a child named Pan. When the two fight crime together afterwards, she takes on the role of the "Great Saiyaman 2 or Great Saiyawoman". She is voiced by Yuko Minaguchi in Japan, Moneca Stori in the Ocean dub, and Kara Edwards in the Funimation dub. Her name is an anagram of Devil, a play on words with her father's Japanese name (Mr. Satan).
Yajirobe (ヤジロベー, Yajirobē?) is an overweight samurai that Goku meets in Dragon Ball. He is often considered to be rude, unmannered, timid, lazy, and cowardly. He helps Goku prepare for the battle against Piccolo Daimao, and continues to support Goku and his companions, though often from the sidelines. He trains under Kami with the others in order to prepare for the Saiyans, and helps in their victory by cutting off Vegeta's tail. During Dragon Ball, he is a wanderer that lives off the land, but after meeting Korin and discovering the Senzu Beans, which provide the nutrients of ten days worth of meals, restores energy and heals wounds, he decides to live with Korin. He begins growing the beans with him, and often delivers them to Goku and his companions. He is voiced by Mayumi Tanaka in Japan, Brian Drummond in the Ocean Group dub, and Mike McFarland in the Funimation dub.
Other characters
Android #8
Android #8 (人造人間8号, Jinzōningen Hachi Gō?, Artificial Human #8) is the first android seen in the series, and the eighth in the series of androids built by Dr. Gero. He is originally used as a last resort by the Red Ribbon Army's Muscle Tower, but when he is ordered to fight Goku, he refuses and states that he hates violence. Goku quickly befriends him, nicknaming him "Eighter", and the two repel the army from Jingle Village. He later takes up residence with a young girl named Snow (スノ, Suno?), who Goku had saved from the army earlier. He is voiced by Shozo Iizuka in Japan and Mike McFarland in the Funimation dub.
Android #16
Android #16 (人造人間16号, Jinzōningen Jū Roku Gō?, Artificial Human #16) is a large android developed by Dr. Gero. He is deemed a failure, and is deactivated until Android #18 reactivates and releases him.[34][35] Despite the other Androids disobeying and killing Dr. Gero, #16 still follows his orders to search for and destroy Goku. Unlike the other two, #16 processes a sophisticated mechanism to sense and track power levels in real time.[36][37] While trying to protect #17 and #18 from Cell, he is greatly damaged[38][39], though Bulma and her father Dr. Briefs repair him. After he is repaired, he ignores his old orders to kill Goku, and focuses on the fight against Cell. Like the other androids he had the ability to self destruct, but the device was removed during his repairs. This is made known only when #16 tried to self destruct and destroy Cell, which Cell retaliates by destroying most of #16.[40][41] His head and consciousness survived, but later is destroyed by Cell, which pushes Gohan over the edge to Super Saiyan 2.[42][43] In the anime he is voiced Hikaru Midorikawa in Japan,[44] Jeremy Inman in the Funimation dub,[45] and Scott McNeil in the Ocean Group dub. [46]
Android #19
Android #19 (人造人間19号, Jinzōningen Jū Kyū Gō?) is a rather fat android created by Dr. Gero. With pale skin and a mechanized voice, he is the most loyal of Gero's creations and even helped the doctor become an android himself. He is an energy absorbing model, equipped with the ability to drain the life force from his enemies. After successfully draining Goku of his energy, 19 is brutally executed by Vegeta. He is voiced by Phillip Wilburn in the English dub.
Bardock (バーダック, Bādakku?) is first introduced in the animated television special, Bardock - The Father of Goku. It was only after its airing in Japan that Bardock was later shown in two panels of the Dragon Ball manga by Toriyama, who helped design the character for Toei Doga's television production.[47] While the Viz manga and Funimation's Japanese-language English-subtitled anime[48] both use "Burdock", Funimation's English anime dubs use "Bardock",[49] and some Japanese merchandise even use "Barduck".[50]
The biological father of Raditz and Goku, Bardock is a Saiyan who is given the gift of precognition during one of his battles. In several of his recurring visions, he witnesses the destruction of his home planet by the hand of Frieza. After escaping certain death from Dodoria, he tries desperately to change his planet's grim future by attempting to combat Frieza and his legion of men head on. Bardock ultimately fails on ceasing Frieza's attack on the planet and is killed in the process. Moments before his death, he receives a vision of his son facing Frieza. In the Japanese version of the special, Bardock was estimated a power level of 10,000 by observant doctors while recovering from his last mission.[51] He is voiced by Masako Nozawa in the Japanese version and Sonny Strait in the Funimation dub.
Broly (ブロリー, Burorī?), is the featured supervillain in the eighth, tenth, and eleventh movies of the series. He is born with a level of power greater than most elite Saiyan warriors, and he is mentally unsettled as an adult, partially due to the crying of the infant Goku in the incubator next to him when they were born. He eventually becomes the "Legendary Super Saiyan" and his destructive tendencies are quelled by a special control device created by scientists for his father, Paragus. After Paragus lures Vegeta, Goku, and their companions to another planet, Broly recalls Goku and goes into a rage. He is eventually defeated, and manages to make his way into an escape pod. He later lands on Earth and goes into a frozen state until the crying of Goku's son, Goten, awakens him. He is killed by Goku, Gohan and Goten, though blood samples make their way into the hands of an industrialist who creates cloned warriors. The clone eventually awakens and becomes mixed with bio-liquid, transforming him into Bio-Broly. He is eventually killed by Goten, Trunks, and Krillin. He is voiced by Bin Shimada in Japanese, and Vic Mignogna in the Funimation dub.
Cooler (クウラ, Kuura?) is the main villain in the fifth and sixth Dragon Ball Z films and a minor villain in the OVA special Plan to Destroy the Saiyans. He is the brother of Frieza who travels to Earth in Cooler's Revenge to seek revenge on Goku, who had ruined Cooler's family honor by killing Frieza. Despite transforming into his final form, he is defeated by Super Saiyan Goku. He returns in Return of Cooler, his remains having combined with the Big Gete Star, a sentient planet-sized machine. This gives him the ability to create an indefinite amount of Meta-Coolers, which have the ability to constantly repair and improve upon themselves. He tries to consume the planet New Namek, but he is eventually destroyed by the efforts of Goku and Vegeta. He is later resurrected as a ghost by Dr. Raichi in Plan to Destroy the Saiyans along with Frieza, Slug and Turles but was defeated along with them when Goku and the fighters realized they were ghosts and shouted out that they weren't real. He is voiced by Ryūsei Nakao in the Japanese films and Andrew Chandler in the English versions.
Cui (キュイ, Kyui?), known as Kiwi in the Viz manga, is a high-ranking henchman of Frieza. He is the rival of Vegeta, and bears much ill-will towards him. After learning of Vegeta's plans to obtain the Dragonballs, Cui sets out to kill him. Initially, it appears as if Cui is much stronger than his rival, but it soon becomes apparent that Vegeta was hiding his true power (a skill that he obtained during his time on Earth). Despite Cui's efforts, Vegeta easily dispatches of him. He is voiced by Kōji Totani in Japan, Jason Gray-Stanford in the Ocean Group dub and Bill Townsley in the Funimation dub.
Dodoria (ドドリア, Dodoria?) is one of Frieza's top two henchmen. He is a large, fat, pink alien with short spikes on his head and forearms. He travels with Frieza and Zarbon to planet Namek in search of the Dragon Balls. While interrogating villagers, they are interrupted as Krillin and Gohan save Dende from being killed. Dodoria pursues them, but he soon encounters Vegeta. After being outmatched, he tells the truth about the destruction of Planet Vegeta, hoping it would aid in sparing his life, but he is still killed by Vegeta. He is voiced by Yukitoshi Hori in Japan, Ward Perry in the Ocean Group dub, and Chris Forbis in the Funimation dub.
Dr. Gero
Dr. Gero (ドクター・ゲロ, Dokutā Gero?) is the former chief scientist of the Red Ribbon Army. After the destruction of the organization, he begins using his development of androids to aid in destroying Goku for revenge. While creating a series of androids, he eventually implants his own brain into an exact replica of his body, becoming Android #20. Both he and Android #19, a round, pale android, are able to absorb the energy of others using small devices on their hands. The two eventually attack Goku and his friends. #19 manages to defeat Goku while he is being affected by his heart virus, but he is easily killed by Vegeta afterwards. Gero flees, attempting to release #17 and #18 as a last resort, though #17 quickly kills him. Gero appears once more in Dragon Ball GT, planning to return to Earth along with Dr. Myu by creating another Android #17. They succeed, though Myu betrays Gero and has the newly formed Super 17 kill him once again. He is voiced by Kōji Yada in Japan, Kent Williams in the Funimation dub, and Brian Dobson in the Ocean Group dub.
Elder Kai
The Elder Kai (老界王神, Rō Kaiōshin?), also known as the Old Kai is a Supreme Kai sealed in the Z Sword for many generations. He resembles the East Supreme Kai, but with an older, wrinkled face, and a small mustache. He was originally youthful, but he accidentally became fused with a witch that stole one of his Potara Fusion Earrings. This granted him the ability to unleash a being's full potential through a long and tedious ceremony. He uses this to make Gohan stronger after Gohan releases him from the Z Sword. He later sacrifices his life to revive Goku, though as he is already in the afterlife, he only gains a halo. His life is later restored by the Namekian Dragon Balls. During Dragon Ball GT, he helps Goku become much stronger by helping him regrow his tail. He is voiced by Reizô Nomoto in Japan, Kent Williams in the Funimation dub, and Scott McNeil in the Ocean Group dub.
Emperor Pilaf
Emperor Pilaf (ピラフ, Pirafu?) is a small, impish man who dreams of ruling the world. Though he proclaims himself an emperor, he actually only has a crown and a castle. Along with his two minions, Mai (マイ, Mai?), a woman that wears a trench coat, and Shu (シュウ, Shū?), a humanoid dog in a ninja outfit, he seeks out the Dragon Balls to wish for world domination. After obtaining the Dragon Balls once, he is foiled by Goku and his companions after another wish is granted just before he can speak his fully. He continues to antagonize Goku throughout the rest of Dragon Ball, and while attempting to obtain the Dragon Balls, releases Piccolo Daimao from his confinement. They appear again in Dragon Ball GT, where they obtain the Black Star Dragon Balls and accidentally wish Goku to be a child again. Pilaf is voiced by Shigeru Chiba in Japan and Chuck Huber in English dub. Shu is voiced by Tesshō Genda in Japan and Chris Cason in the English dub. Mai is voiced by Eiko Yamada in Japan and Julie Franklin in the Funimation dub. She was played by Eriko Tamura in the live-action film Dragonball Evolution.
Evil Dragons
The Evil Dragons, known as the Shadow Dragons in the English versions, are a group of evil beings born from the evil energy caused by overuse of the Dragon Balls. When attempting to repair the damage caused by Super Android 17, the cigar-smoking Evil Shenron is summoned from the Dragon Balls instead of the regular Shenron. He splits into seven dragons, each containing a Dragon Ball. They are known as the One-Star through Seven-Star Dragons in Japan, and Syn Shenron, Haze Shenron, Eis Shenron, Nuova Shenron, Rage Shenron, Oceanus Shenron, and Naturon Shenron in the English versions.
Goku and Pan kill all of the dragons besides the One-Star, Four-Star, and Three-Star Dragons, and collect their Dragon Balls. Goku soon fights the Four-Star Dragon, voiced by Ken Yamaguchi in Japan and John Burgmeier in the English dub, who is fire-based and much more honorable than his siblings. The fight is soon interrupted by the Three-Star Dragon, who blinds Goku in an attempt to kill him. Goku eventually manages to kill the dragon, and when the Four-Star Dragon attempts to help Goku with his eyes, he is killed by One-Star Dragon, voiced by Hidekatsu Shibata in Japan and Bob Carter and Christopher R. Sabat in the English dub. The dragon absorbs the Dragon Balls, transforming into Omega Shenron. After a long battle, he is killed by Goku's Super Genki Dama, and the Dragon Balls are purified.
Garlic Jr.
Garlic Jr. (ガーリック・ジュニア, Gārikku Junia?) is the main antagonist in Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone and is one of the few original characters from the movies to appear in the TV series. His father was imprisoned by Kami in the realm of darkness, leaving Garlic Jr. with a deep feeling of resentment and desire for revenge. In the Dead Zone, he manages to obtain the seven Dragon Balls, wish for immortality, and begin his quest for revenge. He is defeated when faced with an angry Gohan, who pushes Garlic Jr. into the Dead Zone, an alternate dimension he can freely open.
In the TV series, he breaks free using his power source, the Makyo world, leading to the events of the Garlic Jr. arc. After attempting to brainwash the world with the Black Water Mist, he is once again trapped in the Dead Zone after the destruction of the Makyo World. In the original Japanese version, Garlic Jr. is voiced by Akira Kamiya in Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone and Shigeru Chiba in the anime. He is voiced by Don Brown in the Ocean Group dub of the film and Dave Ward in the Ocean Group dub of the anime. Chuck Huber voices Garlic Jr. in the Funimation dub of the film and anime.
Ginyu Force
The Ginyu Force (ギニュー特戦隊, Ginyū Tokusentai?) is a team of five mercenaries who are hired by Frieza. Though physically some of the strongest individuals in the universe, the Ginyu Force's members delight in coming up with strange poses, betting candy on fights, and playing Janken. They are led by Captain Ginyu (ギニュー隊長, Ginyū Taichō?), who has a unique technique that allows him to switch bodies with his opponents. Jeice (ジース, Jīsu?), a flamboyant and showy mutant, and Burter (バータ, Bāta?), the self proclaimed fastest being in the universe, are two beings nicknamed the "Red Magma" and "Blue Hurricane" that utilise various combination attacks in battle. Recoome (リクーム, Rikūmu?) is a large humanoid that likes to toy with his opponents. Guldo (グルド, Gurudo?), although physically the weakest, has various psychic abilities, including being able to freeze time when he holds his breath.
Frieza calls upon them to assist in the defeat of Vegeta and help obtain the Dragon Balls on Planet Namek. Guldo is killed by Vegeta, Recoome and Burter are defeated by Goku, and Jeice is defeated by Vegeta. Ginyu manages to steal Goku's body, but he is unable to utilise its full power. He decides to steal Vegeta's body after Goku's can no longer be used, but he inadvertently switches bodies with a frog instead. He is allowed to flee, and ends up on Earth after Namek explodes.
In the anime, they appear at King Kai's planet in the afterlife and battle Tien, Yamcha and Chiaotzu, who defeat and banish them to Hell. Tien defeats Jeice and Burter, Yamcha defeats Recoome, and Chiaotzu defeats Guldo. King Kai reveals that he actually invited the Ginyu Force there in order for Tien, Yamcha and Chiaotzu to test their new strength.
Grandpa Gohan
Grandpa Gohan (孫悟飯じいさん, Son Gohan jiisan?) is the adoptive grandfather of Goku, whom he found in a crashed spaceship. He teaches Goku martial arts, having originally studied under Roshi, and he even knows Roshi's Kamehameha.[52] He is killed by Goku as a rampaging Oozaru on a night with a full moon, though Goku does not realize it for many years. He is allowed to return to life for one day by Baba in order to fight Goku and anticipate his growth, and he later appears as an assistant to Annin, the ruler of the "magical furnace". He is only shown in flashbacks afterwards. He is voiced by Osamu Saka in Japan and Christopher Sabat in the Funimation dub. He is portrayed by Randall Duk Kim in the live-action film Dragonball Evolution.
The Kai (界王, Kaiō?) are upper-level gods of the Dragon Ball universe. There are five at a time that rule over the main galaxy of the universe, with one presiding over each of the four quadrants in a galaxy, and the last overseeing them all. The Kai are responsible for the lower-level gods, who rule over individual planets. The Kai reside in the heavens, with each having their own small planet. There is a sense of competition among the Kai over whose quadrant has the best fighters. King Kai, the Northern Kai, trains Goku after his self-sacrifice to defeat Raditz.
The Grand Kai rules over the North, South, East, and West Kai. He is portrayed as an aged hipster, wearing jeans and a denim jacket and constantly listening to rock music on his boom box. His characterization in the anime was suggested to the production staff by Toriyama himself.[53]
These Kai are less powerful than the Supreme Kai, who each oversee a quadrant of the entire universe, and are ruled by the Grand Supreme Kai.
Launch (ランチ, Ranchi?), known as Marilynn in the Harmony Gold dub and Lunch in the Viz manga and Japanese versions, is Roshi's house maid retrieved by Goku and Krillin in order to receive martial arts training from him. She has a dissociative identity disorder; whenever she gets her sensitive nose tickled to the point of sneezing, she switches between a sweet, innocent girl with indigo hair to a blonde woman who commits crimes for fun. Their memories are not shared, though both sides are aware of each other. In the anime, she further attempts to pursue a relationship with Tien, but fails to make any progress due to his constant training. She is voiced by Mami Koyama in Japan, and Monika Antonelli, as the good girl side, and Meredith McCoy, as the bad girl side in the Funimation dub.
Porunga (ポルンガ?) is the wish granting dragon summoned when all of Namek's Dragon Balls are gathered. Unlike Shenron, he has a large, muscular upper body and various Namekian traits. He can grant three wishes, so long as they don't exceed his creator's power, his creator is still alive, and each request is delivered in the Namekian dialect. Initially, Porunga had the ability to bring only one person back to life at a time, but could bring that same person back multiple times if requested. This as compared to Shenron, who can bring back an unspecified number of people as long as they died under similar circumstances, but could only bring each specific individual back once, and as long as their deaths weren't of natural causes. Later, Porunga's power is strengthened to bring back as many lives as needed. He is voiced by Junpei Takiguchi and Daisuke Gōri in Japan, Christopher Sabat in the Funimation dub, and Don Brown in the Ocean Group dub.
Raditz (ラディッツ, Radittsu?) is the biological brother of Son Goku and the eldest son of Bardock. Raditz went to Earth to help in the planet's invasion, and to persuade his younger brother Goku to join the Saiyans in their conquest. However, disappointed to discover that Goku had lost his memories and adjusted to life on Earth, Raditz kidnapped Gohan and tried to force Goku to help him. During his battle with Goku and Piccolo, Gohan seeing his father in danger explodes with rage and delivers a massive amount of damage to Raditz in a single blow. Taking advantage of the situation, Goku puts Raditz in a full nelson and demands Piccolo to kill them both with the Makankosappo (Special Beam Cannon). Just before his death, he sneered that two more powerful Saiyans, Vegeta and Nappa, would be coming to Earth in one year's time. He is voiced by Shigeru Chiba in Japan, Jason Gray-Stanford in the Ocean Group dub, and Justin Cook in the Funimation dub
Red Ribbon Army
The Red Ribbon Army (レッドリボン軍, Reddo Ribon Gun?) is a military organization bent on total world domination. Originally a technological cooperation, they lost out to the Capsule Corporation, and focused their technology on military weapons. They plan on obtaining the Dragon Balls to help with their goal, using any means necessary including raiding towns, hiring the mercenary, Mercenary Tao to attack Goku, among others. Despite this, Goku is able to wipe out the entire army. The quest for world domination turns out to be a ruse by their leader Commander Red. He is a short man, who really plans on using them to become taller, even if the whole army has to be sacrificed. The second in command is Adjutant Black (ブラック参謀?), who loyally obeys Red until hearing of his plan, at which point, he kills Red and attempts to take over, only to be killed by Goku.
General Blue is a high-ranking official of the army. He comes into contact with Goku and his companions multiple times, often using a special psionic ability that allows him to paralyze other individuals. He manages to steal the Dragon Radar during their final encounter, but after returning, he is set to be executed for not obtaining any of the Dragon Balls after multiple failures. He is allowed to fight Tao to redeem himself, though Tao easily kills Blue only using his tongue. Blue is voiced by Toshio Furukawa in Japan and Sonny Strait in the Funimation dub.
Zarbon (ザーボン, Zābon?) is one of Frieza's top two henchmen. He has the ability to transform into a powerful reptilian beast. Zarbon travels to Namek alongside Frieza and Dodoria to help collect the Dragon Balls. He eventually comes into contact with Vegeta, whom Zarbon manages to easily defeat and capture after transforming. After Zarbon retrieves Vegeta's battered body and brings him to Frieza's ship in order to heal him for interrogation, Vegeta manages to escape. Zarbon sets out to find him once again, but Vegeta, having become stronger after healing, kills Zarbon. Zarbon also appears in Bardock - The Father of Goku, where he advises Frieza to destroy the Saiyan planet and briefly appears in Dragon Ball GT when he escapes from Hell with other villains. He is voiced by Sho Hayami in Japan, Paul Dobson in the Ocean Group dub and Christopher Sabat in the Funimation dub.